> Thank you. I thought the model was
> so simple that it should be okay.
> Did you compile after downgrading
> your glibc?

Yes, we had to downgrade glibc when it was first installed a month or so ago.

> Does it also compile
> with the updated glibc?

No.  The glibc thing is a bug in xst.  xilinx will have to fix that.


>>> A new problem is preventing me from
>>> compiling even simple models with
>>> bee_xps. For example, when I compile
>>> a model containing only the system
>>> generator, XSB Core Config, Xilinx
>>> constants and CASPER software
>>> registers, I receive the following
>>> messages from bee_xps.
>>> Detected Linux OS
>>> #############################
>>> ##      System Update      ##
>>> #############################
>>> #############################
>>> ## Block objects creation  ##
>>> #############################
>>> ######################
>> Hi Ron and all.  I just tried to run your example, and I got errors.  I
>> forgot that you can't have mixed case model file names.  It gums up the
>> works somewhere in there.
>> I got the following result with testRegisters.mdl:
>> Detected Linux OS
>> #############################
>> ##      System Update      ##
>> #############################
>> #############################
>> ## Block objects creation  ##
>> #############################
>> ######################
>> ## Checking objects ##
>> ######################
>> Running system generator ...
>> xsg_blk =
>> testRegisters/ System Generator
>> xsg_result =
>>      0
>> XSG generation complete.
>> #########################
>> ## Copying base system ##
>> #########################
>> source_dir =
>> /export/home/blink/scratch/casper/mlib_devel/xps_lib/XPS_ROACH_base
>> Copying base package from:
>>  /export/home/blink/scratch/casper/mlib_devel/xps_lib/XPS_ROACH_base
>> msg =
>>      ''
>> msgid =
>>      ''
>> ########################
>> ## Copying custom IPs ##
>> ########################
>> ##########################
>> ## Creating Simulink IP ##
>> ##########################
>> Error using ==> gen_xps_create_pcore at 41
>> Cannot find any compiled XSG netlist. Have you run the Xilinx System
>> Generator on your design ?
>> I renamed testRegisters.mdl to test_registers.mdl, and it compiles fine.
>> John

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