Correction: To get the new macros to load one must also erase another
section of flash. This can be done in one step so please replace the
instruction in 4b with: "setenv writeuboot protect off 0xfff40000
0xffffffff\; era 0xfff40000 0xffffffff\; cp.b 0x4000000 0xfff80000

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Alec Rust <> wrote:

> Hi all, we've made some fixes to the ROACH2 kernel, u-boot and rom
> filesystem. TCPBorphserver3 has also been updated, this has been added to
> the rom filesystem and nfs.
> Grab the files here (NOTE: The nfs tarball must be untarred as root for
> correct permissions):
> ROACH2 Test machine set-up instructions:
> )
> To program the new u-boot (NB! choose the correct binary for your revision
> of R2, programming the wrong binary will cause the board to switch itself
> off at boot, and fixing that requires soldering on the board):
> 1. Set up a tftp and dhcp server (see the tftp section in the test machine
> setup instructions).
> 2. Create a symlink or rename the u-boot binary to "u-boot.bin" e.g. "ln
> -s u-boot-r2-rev1.bin u-boot.bin" in the tftp directory.
> 3. Plug a USB cable into the ROACH2 and open a terminal session to ttyUSB2
> (Minicom is good, see the document above for setting up a minicom session
> to connect to ttyUSB2)
> 4. NB! Do not skip this step: The u-boot macro to reprogram u-boot is
> incorrect, you must define a new one (once the new u-boot is flashed the
> macro will be correct). Using the current macro bricks the board (can be
> recovered by reprogram u-boot via setting up a test machine and sending a
> xmodem receiver to the PPC via JTAG and then sending the binary)
>   a) Boot into u-boot (reset the board and press any key to stop autoboot)
>   b) type: "setenv writeuboot protect off 0xfff80000 0xffffffff\; era
> 0xfff80000 0xffffffff\; cp.b 0x4000000 0xfff80000 \$\{filesize\}" at the
> u-boot prompt without the quotes. Note this is the same as the current
> macro but the current cp.b 0x400000 is missing a 0! Leave the protect on
> bit, the U-boot command line is too short to add it and the macro will be
> overwritten anyway when the new u-boot loads.
>   c) type: "printenv" and double check the macro!
> 5. type: "run tftpuboot"
> 6. when done type: "reset". You should see u-boot loading and *** Warning
> - bad CRC, using default environment. All the macros are reset to defaults.
> To program the kernel:
> 1. Create a symlink or rename the kernel image to uImage e.g. "ln -s
>  uImage-r2borph3 uImage" in the tftp directory.
> 2. At the uboot prompt type: run tftpkernel
> 3. Note that all the fixes has been for tcpborphserver3 and to use that
> you have to flash the borph3 kernel. To use tcpborphserver2 flash the
> borph2 kernel.
> To program the new romfs:
> 1. Create a symlink or rename the romfs image to romfs e.g. "ln -s
>  roach2-root-2012-10-18.romfs romfs" in the tftp directory.
> 2. At the uboot prompt type: run tftproot
> 3. This takes a long time! About 5 minutes.
> If anything is unclear please don't hesitate to ask.
> Regards

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