I think your clock source should be < 1 GHz right?  Also, your signal
generator is set to way too high of a level I think. Start with -40
dBm and increase from there.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:10 PM, katherine viviana cortes urbina
<kattycort...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Casperites,
> 1.- I compile the tut3 with 2048 channels, ADC 1 Ghz. The control is via
> katcp server (python library), I run the script tut3.py and the clock source
> (valon 5007) is connected to clk_i of the adc with f_out =2425 MHz, the
> spectrum  generated is attachment:  tut3_clock_2048canales.png , when I
> connect a Signal generator (frecuency 120Mhz , 2Vpp and signal senoidal) to
> SMA +i of the adc , the spectrum is  attachment tut3_2048canales_120MHz.png,
> is this correct? .
> 2.- Now, when I compile the tut3 with 32 channels, the script .py change see
> attachments: tut3_32channel.py, is this     correct ? . The spectrum
> generated (only with clock source) is tut3_32kcanales_2012_Dec_17_2104.png,
> is this correct? .
> my questions is what should I see (the spectrum)?
> any ideas?
> cheers
> katty

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