Hey David,

We noticed the dialout group thing, and have tested it with me being both root (via sudo minicom USBTTY2) and dialout. Thanks!

--Ryan Monroe

On 05/20/2013 11:46 AM, David MacMahon wrote:
Hi, Ryan,

Everything seems OK.  Were you root or a member of the dialout group when you 
tried connecting?  I use screen instead of minicom, so I can't offer any extra 
ideas regarding minicom itself.

FWIW, /dev/ttyUSB2 is the one that usually works for me.


On May 20, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Ryan Monroe wrote:

Hey all, sorry for the spam :-(

I'm trying to communicate with my ROACH2 for initial configuration.  My understanding 
is that we should set up a machine per this <link>.  Then use the USB port the 
same way we used serial for ROACH1... just over either ttyUSB2 or ttyUSB3.

My problem is that I receive no communications from the ROACH through USB.  
After configuring the settings in minicom (filename, flow control, init/reset 
string), I can connect to the four USB virtual serial ports on the ROACH2, but 
I receive no data upon starting it up.  Here's the test I ran:

<Initial state: computer off, ROACH2 unplugged, USB cable disconnected>
Start up computer.  Connect ROACH2 to power.  Do not start up ROACH2.
<USB_OK led is off>

Upon logging in, run "dmesg > tc_dmesg_preUSB.txt" (see file)
run "ls /dev/ttyUSB*" (see results in "tc_lsOnUSB.txt")

Plug in the USB cable to both ends
run "dmesg > tc_dmesg_postUSB.txt" (see file)
run "ls /dev/ttyUSB*" (see results in "tc_lsOnUSB.txt")
<USB_OK led turns on>

Run "sudo minicom -s TTYUSB2" and "sudo minicom -s TTYUSB3".  Take a screenshot 
to display the state of the configurations (tc_minicom_settings.jpg)

"sudo minicom TTYUSB0"
"sudo minicom TTYUSB1"
"sudo minicom TTYUSB2"
"sudo minicom TTYUSB3"

Take a screenshot (tc_before_powering_roach.jpg)
Press the ROACH2 power button
Wait several minutes
Take a screenshot to show that we received nothing from the ROACH. 
(tc_before_powering_roach.jpg ... it was the same result)

Unplug the USB cable
Watch as the four minicom terminals fill with error messages 

So ladies and gents, any ideas?  Thanks in advance!
--Ryan Monroe


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