Hi Paul

Sorry Andrew, I can't seem to find any of the alternatives you recommended. We're using xlinx 14.3, and our mlib_devel's most recent commit was May of this year.
Thanks again

Your version of Xilinx should be ok. You may want to do a git pull from casper-astro.

Can you compile other designs e.g the tutorials? Is the compile problem specific to the sincos block?


On 09/19/2013 11:41 AM, Paul Marganian wrote:
Thanks Andrew,
I'll look into those other blocks.
The problem happens at compile time.

On 09/19/2013 09:45 AM, Andrew Martens wrote:
Hi Paul
I've recently been having problems with the Casper DSP sincos block. I'll successfully run a number of simulations, then I start getting these errors at compile time:

Error in 'test_sin/sincos1 <matlab:open_and_hilite_system%20%28%27test_sin/sincos1%27%29>': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated Error evaluating parameter 'initVector' in 'test_sin/sincos1/rom0 <matlab:open_and_hilite_system%20%28%27test_sin/sincos1/rom0%27%29>'
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

The only way to get away from this error seems to be shutting down both the model *and* restarting matlab again. After a few new simulations however, the problem comes back up, slowing down my workflow considerably. Any ideas?

Does the problem only happen at compile time or also during simulation?

You can also try the cosin block from the Downconverter subsection. It is more sophisticated in BRAM saving and is used in the FFT library for coefficient generation (so should work).

Depending on your application you may also look at using the feedback_osc block which generates a cos/-sin pair using multipliers instead of using a lookup table. It can only generate in-order values though, not in arbitrary order as the sincos/cosin blocks do. The feedback_osc is also used in the fft family so should work.


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