Hi, Louis,

I'm not very familiar with the fft_biplex_2x block.  One other thing to keep in 
mind is that the FFT blocks all use a "biplex" FFT block underneath.  The 
biplex FFT block processes two complex streams simultaneously, which allows for 
100% utilization of the underlying multipliers.  I don't know off hand why the 
fft_wideband_real block would complain about the parameters you gave it.  Maybe 
I am mistaken about "Number of Simultaneous Inputs" being log2 of the demux 


On Nov 3, 2013, at 11:36 AM, Louis Dartez wrote:

> Hello David, 
>       Thank you for this clarification on the “Bach-and-Rock” algorithm. The 
> deeper I delved into the FFT block the more confused I was getting because it 
> was difficult where the samples ended. This ri-to-c trick makes a lot more 
> sense to me now. Originally, I was planning to use the wideband_real fft 
> block with 2^1 simultaneous inputs. The entire reason I began looking into 
> the fft_biplex_2x block at all was because when I set N=1 for two 
> simultaneous inputs per stream I get the following error the moment I hit 
> “apply”:
> <Screen Shot 2013-11-03 at 11.35.26 AM.png>
> This means that N is restricted to N=>2. Is there a way around this or is the 
> biplex_2x what I want?
> L
> On Nov 3, 2013, at 11:25 AM, David MacMahon <dav...@astro.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Hi, Louis,
>> The plethora of FFT choices can be overwhelming.  It would be nice if there 
>> were a "CASPER FFT Selection Guide" or flow-chart that would make things 
>> clearer, but I am not aware of any.  I think if you want to use an ADC whose 
>> sample rate is greater than the FPGA fabric rate, then you will need to use 
>> the "fft_wideband_real".  The "wideband" part of the name is intended to 
>> imply that is has a "demux" factor.  For example, if your ADC samples at 500 
>> Msps and presents two samples per 250 MHz FPGA clock cycle, the "demux 
>> factor" is 2.  The dialog for the fft_wideband_real block has a field 
>> labeled "Number of simultaneous inputs (2^N)" into which you would place the 
>> log2 of the demux factor.  In the example above, you would enter 1 in that 
>> field (demux factor 2 == 2^1).
>> Another thing to be aware of is that most high level FFT blocks deal with 
>> real inputs since they are most often getting real samples from an ADC.  The 
>> fundamental FFT implementation is complex-in/complex-out, so the trivial 
>> implementation would be to add a constant 0 imaginary component to the real 
>> ADC sample to make it complex.  Though trivial, it is also very wasteful.  
>> The CASPER real-input FFTs do a "trick" where they combine two real streams 
>> into one complex stream by assigning one real input to the real component 
>> and the other real input to the imaginary component.  The independent FFTs 
>> of the independent inputs can be recovered from the FFT of the complex 
>> signal by adding or subtracting opposite signed bins of the complex FFT.  
>> For real signals A and B, it works out to something like this:
>> Z = A + Bi
>> FFT_A(w) = FFT_Z(w) + FFT_Z(-w)
>> FFT_B(w) = FFT_Z(w) - FFT_Z(-w)
>> This is sometimes called "Bach-and-Rock" because one could put Bach music on 
>> one channel and Rock music on the other channel and they would remain 
>> independent.
>> Real FFT blocks only output half the spectrum (the other half is redundant 
>> as it is just the conjugate of the first), so they usually have half as many 
>> outputs as inputs.  Because of this, each output will either multiplex the 
>> spectra of two inputs or have half the demux factor of the input(s), 
>> depending on which real FFT block you're using.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Dave
>> On Nov 3, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Louis Dartez wrote:
>>> Hello Glenn, 
>>>     Thanks for this; I think I’m getting closer to understanding. I’m 
>>> shooting for an FFT implementation that gives me 2^11 FFT bins/channels for 
>>> each polarization (FFT size = 2^12).
>>> I’ve written my replies below:
>>> On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:48 AM, G Jones <glenn.calt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Louis,
>>>> Replying to the list for the benefit of others.
>>>> You have the right idea. The biplex real 2x block uses the basic biplex 
>>>> core to process two real signal streams or polzns simultaneously with two 
>>>> samples per stream per clock. In theory the top two inputs are for one 
>>>> stream and the result comes out the top output.
>>> Something that’s confused me is that there is no way to explicitly tell the 
>>> fft_biplex_2x block how many individual “streams/polarizations” I want to 
>>> process like there is in the fft_wideband_real block.
>>> <fft_wideband_pars.png>
>>> <fft_2x_pars.png>
>>>> Two important notes:
>>>> For a long time, there was an error in this block, which may likely still 
>>>> be there where the inputs are mislabeled and a bit scrambled. This may 
>>>> have been fixed, but to be sure, look under the block. The two samples 
>>>> from a stream should be joined in an ri_to_c block. The error was that the 
>>>> streams were crossed so that one sample from each stream was incorrectly 
>>>> combined in the ri_to_c block. I am using this broken version just by 
>>>> ignoring the port labels and connecting the streams based on what the 
>>>> ri_to_c blocks are connected to. Hope that makes sense.
>>> Yes, I think I get this; it may have since been fixed. I’ve attached an 
>>> image of the internals of the FFT block along with a possible 
>>> implementation scheme below:
>>> <fft_biplex_2x_attempt.png>
>>> <fft_2x_under_mask.png>
>>> It would seem from the block internals that the samples that belong to the 
>>> two individual polarizations are (pol0_in, pol1_in) and (pol2_in,pol3_in), 
>>> respectively. Should I ignore the output port names (pol02_out and 
>>> pol13_out) and assume that the first (pol02_out) one is fft_0 (serving bin 
>>> 0, then bin 1, then  bin 2…up to bin 2047) and the second fft_1?
>>>> Secondly, I've gotten confused by the number of stages/ length of fft 
>>>> setting for this block a few times. The length is the number of stages and 
>>>> the number of output frequency channels, but the length of the fft (needed 
>>>> by the pfb_fir block, for example) is twice this (the number of real 
>>>> samples in each fft).
>>> In the parameters for this block (image attached below) I set the size of 
>>> the FFT to be 2^12 (4096) because I want 2^11 (2048) actual FFT bins across 
>>> the spectrum. In the version that I have there is no input for telling the 
>>> FFT block how many stages there should be (opening it up I saw 12 
>>> individual “fft_stage” blocks).
>>> <fft_2x_pars.png>
>>> From the CASPER wiki: 
>>> <Screen Shot 2013-11-03 at 10.26.55 AM.png>
>>> My design will sport two dual input ADCs that output 2 real samples per SMA 
>>> input each FPGA clock; this a total of 8 real sampled values each clock / 4 
>>> polarizations. In your opinion would it be better to simply change the 
>>> Number of simultaneous inputs parameter to 4*2 (instead of 4*1) to 
>>> accommodate for the extra two polarizations or should I just use another 
>>> block entirely?
>>> <fft_biplex_2x_8inputs.png>
>>> Thanks for all the help!
>>> Louis
>>>> Hope this clarifies things,
>>>> Glenn
>>>> On Nov 2, 2013 11:49 PM, "Louis Dartez" <louisdar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Glenn, 
>>>>    Thanks for the quick reply! I’m a bit confused as how this block works. 
>>>> I’m not quite sure what to make of the following statement from the casper 
>>>> wiki: Real inputs 0 and 2 share one output port (with the data for 0 
>>>> coming first, then the data for 2), likewise for inputs 1 and 3, and so on.
>>>> Which inputs/outputs correspond to which “stream” or “polarization”? Is 
>>>> the implementation in my attached image close?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> L
>>>> On Nov 2, 2013, at 8:06 PM, G Jones <glenn.calt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> The biplex_real_2x is what you want, and it will do two 'polarizations' 
>>>>> at a time.
>>>>> On Nov 2, 2013 10:56 PM, "Louis Dartez" <louisdar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Mark, Glenn, et al., 
>>>>>   Does anyone know of any CASPER FFT block that will take as inputs two 
>>>>> real sampled values (per ADC input) and output a single complex-valued 
>>>>> frequency bin per FPGA clock? The three FFT blocks that I’ve found on the 
>>>>> CASPER block documentation and the latest mlib library (wideband real, 
>>>>> biplex real 4x, and the biplex real 2x)  all accept real sampled values 
>>>>> but require a minimum of 4 simultaneous values per FPGA clock per ADC 
>>>>> input. I could really use an FFT block (and a corresponding polyphase FIR 
>>>>> block) that will accept only two real sampled values for each of a total 
>>>>> of four ADC inputs and spit out a single complex FFT bin (per stream) per 
>>>>> FPGA clock. 
>>>>> Can someone point me in the right direction here?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> L
>>>>>> Louis P. Dartez
>>>>>> Graduate Student
>>>>>> Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy
>>>>>> University of Texas @ Brownsville
>>>> <fft_biplex_2x_attempt.png>
>>>>> Louis P. Dartez
>>>>> Graduate Student
>>>>> Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy
>>>>> University of Texas @ Brownsville
>>>> Louis P. Dartez
>>>> Graduate Student
>>>> Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy
>>>> University of Texas @ Brownsville
>> Louis P. Dartez
>> Graduate Student
>> Center for Advanced Radio Astronomy
>> University of Texas @ Brownsville

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