I think the 'sinc bandwidth' feature you mention already exists; it's the
"Bin Width Scaling (normal=1)" field, at least in the slightly outdated
version of the libraries I'm using.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Madden, Timothy J. <tmad...@aps.anl.gov>wrote:

> Folks
> I have a feature request for the PFB block, which should be easy to
> implement, as it is only a matlab gui and script change, and not a hardware
> change.
> The feature I request is to add one more field to the PFB block GUI
> telling the bandwidth of the sinc function. The sinc bandwidth is probably
> set by the FFT length field. We could have something like sinc bandwidth
> field, and put in a floating point number like 0.5 for 1/2 the bandwidth
> (sinc is twice as fat), or 1.0 (sinc in default mode for normal PFB
> operation).  The only difference would be the values of the stored
> coefficients, and no real hard ware changes would be needed.
> Read further to see why I am requesting this. It will allow me to reduce
> my FPGA usage by 50%.
> In reading out MKID's it is common to see a design like the following:
> 1) divide incoming signal into two versions, one of them is delayed by N/2
> samples, where N is FFT length.
> 2) We have TWO PFB blocks and two FFT blocks, one for the raw signal, and
> one for the delayed signal.
> The reason we must do this is because of the Nyquist theorm. The FFT can
> be run every N samples. The bandwidth of each bin is 2pi/N. To sample each
> bin in time and retain all the information without aliasing, we must run
> the FFT every N/2 samples. This is why we must use two PFBs, a long delay
> line, and two FFT's.
> The result is that for a ROACH 1 board, the FPGA is filled up and hard to
> compile and meet timing specs.
> I have an idea to cut the FPGA usage in half.
> 1. We alter the PFB so the internal sinc function is stretched out to have
> the bandwidth of 1/2 bin. Then the windowing function has the bandwindth of
> 1/2 bin.
> 2. We use only a single FFT and single PFB, and no delay line, and we
> sample each bin every N samples. Because the bandwidth of data in the bin
> is only 2pi/2N, instead of 2pi/N, we do not violate the Nyquist Criterion.
> One may say that we are now no longer sampling the entire bandwidth of the
> spectrum. That is true. If a MKID resonator falls right on a bin edge, then
> one could guess that the system will not see it because it is outside of
> 1/2 bin bandwidth. The answer to this is that it will still work.  Because
> the windowing function is modulated by the MKID stimulus signal, which
> should be at resonator center, the 1/2 bin bandwidth captured by the FFT
> will always be centered around the MKID resonator.
> IN this way, even if the resonance is far off the FFT bin center, we still
> see it as long as we stimulate it with the correct frequency. Thinking in
> terms of filter banks, by reducing the bandwidth of the sinc function in
> the PFB block, we reduce the bandwidth of each filter in the bank, and
> allow for slower sampling of each band. But each filter in the bank will
> still be centered around our resonator frequencies.
> Does this make sense or am I crazy?
> Tim Madden

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