Hi Amit,

Could you please provide an example plot of what you mean by "not
consistent with expect results"?


1. What is your clock rate?

2. Have you calibrated the MMCM?

3. The ADC output is offset binary, are you correctly interpreting it as

4. If you are using the adc5g python package the BRAM output needs to be
converted to signed binary before capture (by subtracting 128). Have you
done so?

5. Have you done any core-to-core mismatch corrections?

6. Less importantly, is your clock generator reference locked to your test
tone synthesizer?



On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Amit Bansod <aban...@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de>

> Dear All,
> I am trying to test the ADC output for a simple sinusoid input signal (75
> MHz, -6dBm) with the snapshot block.
> Many of the output values are not consistent with the expected results. Do
> I need to do any post-processing on data after reading from Bram ?
> Regards,
> Amit

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