Hi Paul,

Thanks for the link. I looked through the code a bit and it doesn't seem as
though the "corr" library at all. Have I been using the wrong tool for the

Would you be able to point me to which file I should start with to get a
handle on how the casperfpga package works?


On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Paul Prozesky <paul.proze...@gmail.com>

> Morning James
> We do this in already in the casperfpga package:
> https://github.com/ska-sa/casperfpga
> It turns out construct is pretty slow, so we just do the conversions and
> shifts manually. I think currently the fpg files that are automatically
> parsed by casperfpga are only generated for ROACH2, but it would be easy to
> add ROACH support.
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 20 March 2015 at 09:08, James Smith <jsm...@ska.ac.za> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I've given some thought to the topic of writing (and reading) registers
>> on the ROACH using the python corr module. Often in a design a single
>> register may be sliced into many bits to control various things. The way
>> I've normally seen such a register written in python looks something like
>> this:
>> fpga.write_int('control',1<<9|1<<10|0<<25|1<<2|1<<3)
>> My feeling is that this approach is difficult to maintain - inheriting
>> code from someone else (or even from one's self 6 months down the line) is
>> likely to bring about some confusion in this case, and lead to a fair
>> amount of spelunking through the Simulink model in order to figure out what
>> bit 9 and bit 10 etc. do. On top of this, it places limitations on changing
>> one of the bits later without modifying the other ones - bitwise or
>> functions work well enough when you're over-writing zeros, but if there's
>> something there already it might not work so well.
>> With this in mind, I would like to suggest a convention which I worked
>> out. It uses python modules "struct" and "construct" to make code a bit
>> easier to read.
>> (For reference if anyone is unfamiliar:
>> struct - https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html
>> construct - http://construct.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ )
>> In the design I'm working on at the moment (a wideband spectrometer), I
>> wrote a python module with the following in it:
>> # Bitstruct to control the control register on the ROACH
>> control_reg_bitstruct = construct.BitStruct('control_reg',
>>     construct.Padding(4),                           #28-31
>>     construct.BitField('debug_snap_select',3),      #25-27
>>     construct.Padding(3),                           #22-24
>>     construct.Flag('fine_tvg_en'),                  #21
>>     construct.Flag('adc_tvg'),                      #20
>>     construct.Flag('fd_fs_tvg'),                    #19
>>     construct.Flag('packetiser_tvg'),               #18
>>     construct.Flag('ct_tvg'),                       #17
>>     construct.Flag('tvg_en'),                       #16
>>     construct.Padding(4),                           #12-15
>>     construct.Flag('fancy_en'),                     #11
>>     construct.Flag('adc_protect_disable'),          #10
>>     construct.Flag('gbe_enable'),                   #09
>>     construct.Flag('gbe_rst'),                      #08
>>     construct.Padding(4),                           #04-07
>>     construct.Flag('clr_status'),                   #03
>>     construct.Flag('arm'),                          #02
>>     construct.Flag('man_sync'),                     #01
>>     construct.Flag('sys_rst') )                     #00
>> This BitStruct makes the code a little bit more readable, tells you what
>> each bit does, and if you've done this declaration right once, then you
>> don't need to worry about whether you'e shifting numbers by the right
>> amount of bits. For the BitFields where several bits are passed, I used a
>> dictionary to make remembering things (and reading the code) easier as well:
>> # Dictionary for selecting the debug_snap_select bit
>> debug_snap_select = {
>>     'coarse_72':   0,
>>     'fine_128':    1,
>>     'quant_16':    2,
>>     'ct_64':       3,
>>     'xaui_128':    4,
>>     'gbetx0_128':  5,
>>     'buffer_72':   6,
>>     'finepfb_72':  7 }
>> So writing to the register for the first time works like this:
>> control_reg = avn.control_reg_bitstruct.parse('\x00\x00\x00\x00') #
>> Create a blank one to use...
>>     # Pulse arm and clr_status high, along with setting gbe_enable and
>> adc_protect_disable high
>>     control_reg.gbe_enable = True
>>     control_reg.adc_protect_disable = True
>>     control_reg.clr_status = True
>>     control_reg.arm = True
>>     fpga.write_int('control', struct.unpack('>I',
>> avn.control_reg_bitstruct.build(control_reg))[0]) # The [0] is necessary
>> because the fpga.write_int function wants an integer datatype, and
>> struct.unpack returns a tuple for some reason.
>>     # Bring arm and clr_status low again.
>>     control_reg.clr_status = False
>>     control_reg.arm = False
>>     fpga.write_int('control',
>> struct.unpack('>I',avn.control_reg_bitstruct.build(control_reg))[0])
>> Then, for example if you're controlling something with a function and you
>> need to change only one part of what's in the register and leave the rest
>> unaffected, this is quite easy as well:
>>     control_reg =
>> control_reg_bitstruct.parse(struct.pack('>I',fpga.read_uint('control'))) #
>> Read the data that's in the register already
>>     control_reg.debug_snap_select = debug_snap_select['coarse_72'] #
>> Update the desired bit (or bits, using the conveniently provided dictionary
>> in this case)
>>     fpga.write_int('control', struct.unpack('>I',
>> control_reg_bitstruct.build(control_reg))[0]) # Write the new data back.
>> Does anyone have any thoughts? Would this perhaps help with
>> maintainability and debugging, or is it a bit of overkill, solving a
>> problem that wasn't really there in the first place? I'm eager to hear any
>> feedback from others who may have walked this path before.
>> I've formatted the python code portions of the above message to a
>> fixed-width font, I hope it comes through on the mailing list...
>> Regards,
>> James Smith

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