If you erase the last couple of sectors of onboard flash, then the uboot
bootloader is gone, at which point the board is unresponsive. There are
ways to recover it via jtag over usb. But you will have to do some work.

Things to try: plug in the roach into a PC: does dmesg show any fdti
devices being registered ? If so, there is at least something of the roach
hardware is up. Then power cycle the roach while the correct USB port is
used by minicom: Do you see any messages going past ? If so uboot is
probably ok.



On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 6:47 PM, Christopher Barnes <barnc...@umich.edu>

> Hello,
> My name is Christopher Barnes, and I am a new graduate student at the
> University of Michigan.  My current project is programming a ROACH 2, and
> I've been having a fundamental problem in getting started.
> As recently as two weeks ago, I was able to connect to my ROACH over the
> serial connection program 'minicom' and use the 'telnet' command over an
> ethernet cord.  Last week, both of these functionalities did not work.  Is
> there anything basic that I could have broken with the software that could
> have caused this problem?  Establishing one of these two connections is
> essential to moving files to the ROACH 2 in order to program it.
> Any help given on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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