Hello guys,

I was wondering if anyone faced the issue of ringing in the pass-band and
the stop-band when simulation a PFB with a noise signal, when using a PFB
processing a multiple stream.

My initial design was like, I have a quad-adc, the outputs are connected to
a PFB with 2^1 inputs, with bi-plex on, so it would be able to process 4
input streams. The pfb output is FFTd and accumulated. When I checked the
output, i found a kind of ringing in the stop-band and the pass-band of my
output spectra. But when I used individual pfb blocks for each inputs, I
did not have this issue and ringing had disappeared. I have shared the
plots in the following google document.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour with a multi input pfb block ?

Thank you,


P.S. : google doc link containing the plots:

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