Hello Vishwa,

I'll answer your questions slightly out of order - someone else may be able
to give a more thorough answer but just for a first order:

3. As far as I understand it, "corr" was written specifically for the KAT-7
digital back-end, so many of its features are specific to that. As far as
the general interfacing to the gateware goes - casperfpga has all the
features that you were used to in corr.

2. Just clone the repo from github, then "sudo python setup.py install"
when you're in the directory. It's a fairly standard python package install
process. You may need to have some other libraries installed for this to
succeed but if you had corr, you've probably got them already.

1. The new features of casperfpga kind of revolve around the new features
of mlib_devel in handling the .fpg files that it produces - I can try to
detail them for you a bit later if I have some time but Paul Prozesky is
probably the person to ask - I learned about it from him.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 2:15 AM, Vishwa Seneviratne <mp...@zips.uakron.edu>

> Hi,
> I noticed that the new updated tutorials (2016) uses the casperfpga
> library. But, I could not find any proper documentation about it. I would
> like to know about the following,
> 1. What is new in casper-fpga?
> 2. How to install it or update the existing binaries.
> 3. What is included in the library. Does it contain all features of 'corr'?
> I would be grateful if someone can provide come detailed description about
> it.
> Thank you
> Sincerely,
> *Vishwa Seneviratne*
> *Graduate Student*
> *Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering*
> *University of Akron*

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