Hello Heystek,

I'm not sure what you mean by 'live' data. Wesley's mail correctly refers
you to tut 3 which will let you plot your spectrum, but that's somewhat
staggered. Having it display on a continuous basis will take a fair amount
more work and will probably require having a 10 GbE connection to a

For power vs frequency - each channel represents a nominal centre
frequency, so it's just a matter of scaling your X-axis in terms of
fractions of your ADC bandwidth.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Heystek Grobler <heystekgrob...@gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone
> I got it wot king using the following commands:
> ipython --pylab
> import casperfpga, corr,time,numpy,struct,sys,logging,pylab,matplotlib
> fpga = casperfpga.katcp_fpga.KatcpFpga('')
> fpga.upload_to_ram_and_program('heystek_tut3_2016_Sep_22_1726.fpg')
> fpga.write_int('acc_len',2*(2**28)/2048)
> fpga.write_int('gain',0xffffffff)
> fpga.write_int('cnt_rst',1)
> fpga.write_int('cnt_rst',0)
> acc_n = fpga.read_uint('acc_cnt')
> a_0=struct.unpack('>1024l',fpga.read('even',1024*4,0))
> a_1=struct.unpack('>1024l',fpga.read('odd',1024*4,0))
> interleave_a=[]
> for i in range(1024):
>     interleave_a.append(a_0[i])
>     interleave_a.append(a_1[i])
> fpga.write_int('cnt_rst',1)
> fpga.write_int('cnt_rst',0)
> pylab.figure(num=1,figsize=(10,10))
> pylab.plot(interleave_a)
> pylab.title('Integration number %i.'%acc_n)
> pylab.ylabel('Power (arbitrary units)')
> pylab.grid()
> pylab.xlabel('Channel')
> pylab.xlim(0,2048)
> pylab.show()
> I don't get the exact same output as the image on the casper site, but I
> think it is due to the integration size, but I get output.
> This my seem like stupid questions but I have two questions.
> The first is. How can I plot frequency vs power and not channel vs power?
> The second question is. I want to hook up an FM antenna to the ADC and see
> if I get "live" data. How to I do that? Do I need to create a .bof file
> somehow? and if so, how do I do it.
> Thanks for all for help
> Heystek
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:20 PM, lij...@xao.ac.cn <lij...@xao.ac.cn>
> wrote:
>> mybe your katcp is too new(0.6?),try to install 0.5.5
>> if you use pip,just run : sudo pip install katcp==0.5.5
>> 发自我的华为手机
>> -------- 原始邮件 --------
>> 主题:Re: [casper] Programming a ROACH2
>> 发件人:David MacMahon
>> 收件人:Jason Manley
>> 抄送:Casper Lists ,Ryan Monroe
>> I think the intent of exit_fail() is to try to close the connection,
>> ignore any exceptions raised while trying to close the connection, and then
>> re-raise the original exception that happened before exit_fail was called,
>> but I think the implementation is flawed. Here’s the definition of
>> exit_fail() as it appears on GitHub:
>> def exit_fail():
>> print 'FAILURE DETECTED. Log entries:\n',lh.printMessages()
>> try:
>> fpga.stop()
>> except: pass
>> raise
>> exit()
>> I think this try/except block (with "pass" in the except part) followed
>> by "raise" is completely superfluous. I think it means try to do something
>> and if an exception is raised while trying, ignore it but then re-raise it,
>> which seems exactly the same as not having the try/except block there at
>> all! Not to mention that the exit() call will never be reached. I’m also
>> not a fan of functions that can only be called while an exception is being
>> handled (otherwise the no-arg form of "raise" will bomb out I think).
>> It would probably be preferable to pass the original exception to
>> exit_fail() as an argument so that the original exception can be re-raised.
>> I can make that change when I get back to Berkeley next week (unless
>> someone beats me to it).
>> Sorry for veering so far off topic,
>> Dave
>> > On Oct 11, 2016, at 10:16, Jason Manley wrote:
>> >
>> > Some of the earlier scripts had bad error handling. If anything fails
>> before the host object was successfully created, then you get this error
>> because it tries to close the connection before exiting.
>> >
>> > Jason
>> >
>> > On 11 Oct 2016, at 16:09, David MacMahon wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >>> On Oct 11, 2016, at 06:46, Heystek Grobler wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Connecting to server on port 7147... FAILURE DETECTED
>> >>
>> >> Editorial comments on error handling in tut3.py aside, I think the
>> fact that "FAILURE DETECTED" follows "Connecting to server…" on the same
>> line (i.e. no newline character inbetween) means that something went wrong
>> when constructing the FpgaClient object which connects to TCP port 7147 of
>> the ROACH2 with IP address This is expecting the ROACH2 to
>> have a tcpborphserver process listening on that port.
>> >>
>> >> What happens when you run:
>> >>
>> >> telnet 7147
>> >>
>> >> HTH,
>> >> Dave
>> >>
>> >

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