Dear Casper Community,

I was playing with the sync_gen block, and I have some question regarding its parameters. I read the syn_gen memo ( but it didn't help much:

- Simulation Accumulation Length: how do you set this parameter when you can change accumulation length dynamically? Does this value matter only for simulation?(Is the simulation word that is throwing me off).

- Reorder Orders: In the updated library the Reorder Orders parameter get initialized with the code: getfield( getfield( get_param( gcb,'UserData' ), 'parameters'),'reorder_vec'), does this mean that the block get the orders automatically and I don't have to care about it?

- Scale: I don't understand what is this parameter used for. Why would you want to use a scale other than 1?

My apologies if this questions have been answer already, and I wasn't able to find them.



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