This is probably aimed at Jack now but someone else may have an answer to the question below.

On 04/18/2018 11:33 AM, Gary, Dale E. wrote:
This sounds like the problem we had until Matt Dexter and Dave MacMahon determined that some KatADC registers need to be set for correct ADC operation.  Below is the python code we use to set them:

            addr = [0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000E, 0x000F]             val  = [0x7FFF, 0xBAFF, 0x007F, 0x807F, 0x03FF, 0x007F, 0x807F, 0x00FF, 0x007F]             #val  = [0x7FFF, 0xB2FF, 0x007F, 0x807F, 0x03FF, 0x007F, 0x807F, 0x00FF, 0x007F]  # 300 MHz             #if interleaved: val[4] = 0x23FF # Uncomment this line for interleaved mode
            for i in range(len(addr)):
                print('Setting ADC register %04Xh to 0x%04X' % (addr[i], val[i]))                 # Program both ZDOKs (this could be made smarter if needed).                 corr.katadc.spi_write_register(self.fpga, 0, addr[i], val[i])                 corr.katadc.spi_write_register(self.fpga, 1, addr[i], val[i])

Note that at higher clock speeds, the value of the second register is changed (commented third line), as determined by Jack Hickish.  If you want more detailed information, you will have to consult these folks, but I am optimistic that this will help you.  This uses the older corr python module, but some equivalent command to spi_write_register() must exist in the more up-to-date casperfpga module.

So it turns out that these registers are write-only (as per the data sheet section 1.4) so I was reluctant to write to them without understanding what I was doing.   Everything in your bit of code just re-asserts the power-on values, except for registers 0x0001 and possiby 0x0009.

In register 0x0001,  bit 11 is turned on which put the clock edges in the middle of the data bit cell (90 deg or Q phase).  I think that a 1020 MHz clock qualifies as a higher clock speed. *So why is it good to put the clock edged in the middle of the data bit cell?*

In 0x0009, setting bit 13 enables duel edge sampling which I guess makes sense for interleaving but is not relevant since I'm sampling at the clock speed.

Thanks and best wishes


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