
I have been working with a ROACH2 board that is giving me trouble for some
time now.
The problem that I have with the board is that it does not allow me to run
the *?uploadbof*  as you can see in the following log:

*Trying to character is
'^]'.#version test-584-g9ebe0bd-dirty#build-state
2012-06-26T09:26:06#version-connect katcp-library test-584-g9ebe0bd-dirty
2012-06-26T09:26:06#version-connect katcp-protocol 4.9-M#version-connect
kernel 3.4.0-rc3+ #14\_Tue\_May\_29\_17:05:02\_SAST\_2012?uploadbof
3000!uploadbof invalid unknown\_command?progdev#log info 976329433249 raw
attempting\_to\_empty\_fpga!progdev ok?listcmd!listcmd invalid
unknown\_command?listbof!listbof ok 0*

Despite of these errors I can still program the board using the telnet
command *?upload* *3000 *and *nc 3000 < DesignUnderTest.bof*
command at the computer side. After programming the ROACH2 board runs fine
but while programing it gives the following *log info unknown uploaded

*Trying to character is
'^]'.#version test-584-g9ebe0bd-dirty#build-state
2012-06-26T09:26:06#version-connect katcp-library test-584-g9ebe0bd-dirty
2012-06-26T09:26:06#version-connect katcp-protocol 4.9-M#version-connect
kernel 3.4.0-rc3+ #14\_Tue\_May\_29\_17:05:02\_SAST\_2012?upload 3000
!upload ok 3000#log info 976329557753 unknown uploaded\_53888\_bytes#log
info 976329557756 unknown uploaded\_94248\_bytes#log info 976329557759
unknown uploaded\_146400\_bytes#log info 976329557762 unknown
uploaded\_192736\_bytes...#log info 976329560212 unknown
uploaded\_19560216\_bytes#log info 976329560214 unknown
uploaded\_19592268\_bytes#log info 976329560215 raw
attempting\_to\_empty\_fpga#log info 976329560226 raw

Am I doing something wrong?
Anyone has found this problem before? My guess is that there is a problem
with the ROACH2/PPC firmware that messes up the memory address space.
Any idea what it could be? Is there a way to fix it?

Thank you,
Xavi Bosch

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