Hi Danny,

Your first comment (about gbe.setup() doing no write access to the FPGA) was 
actually a nice hint along with that puzzling commented fpga.tap_start(....) 
underneath setup().
I couldn't find any casperfpga.tap_start(...) but there is a 
casperfpga.tengbe.TenGbe.tap_start() -> gbe_rx.tap_start() that seems to do the 
actual configuration and got me to observe the stream to loop back on my ROACH2 
-> NICE!

However, no trace of a default gateway or subnet mask…  Do I really need that 

Thank you for your suggestions about configuring the 10G.
However, I'm afraid I don't know well enough the CASPER history and the content 
of all modules to have an opinion about missing code and what should be put 
back on the libs.

All: Nowadays, what would be the "natural" way to fully configure a TenGbe with 
casperfpga, please?
I'd be more than happy to sum this up in an update to tutorials_devel.



Le 09/10/2019 à 13:04, Danny Price a écrit :
> Hi Cedric,
> I was actually looking at the |casperfpga| code recently, and was puzzling 
> about the ethernet setup. It seems to me it doesn’t actually program the 
> 10GbE core.
> Looking just at the tutorial, in the program script (roach2_tut_tge.py) it 
> calls |fpga.gbes.[gbe_name_here].setup()|:
> |print 'Configuring receiver core...', sys.stdout.flush() gbe_rx = 
> fpga.gbes[rx_core_name] gbe_rx.set_arp_table(mac_base+numpy.arange(256)) 
> gbe_rx.setup(mac_base+13,ip_base+13,fabric_port) 
> #fpga.tap_start('tap0',rx_core_name,mac_base+dest_ip,dest_ip,fabric_port) 
> print 'done' |
> But in the casperfpga code, 
> https://github.com/casper-astro/casperfpga/blob/master/src/gbe.py#L104, it 
> doesn’t seem to do anything that communicates with the fpga:
> |def setup(self, mac, ipaddress, port): """ Set up the MAC, IP and port for 
> this interface :param mac: String or Integer input :param ipaddress: String 
> or Integer input :param port: String or Integer input """ self.mac = Mac(mac) 
> self.ip_address = IpAddress(ipaddress) self.port = port if isinstance(port, 
> int) else int(port) |
> I thought that this function might be overloaded in the |tengbe.py| code, but 
> it doesn’t look like it is. (There is a bit of commented out code that is 
> suspicious 
> https://github.com/casper-astro/casperfpga/blob/master/src/tengbe.py#L144) – 
> but this was commented out two years ago!
> So unless I’m missing some magic, |casperfpga| it isn’t actually programming 
> the 10gbe core with the |setup| function, it's just setting some python 
> variables. It’s also suspicious that setup doesn’t ask for a default gateway 
> or subnet mask…
> Compare this to the older way of programming, using the 
> |katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient| - 
> https://github.com/UCBerkeleySETI/snap_control/blob/master/snap_control/katcp_wrapper.py#L242
> |def 
> config_10gbe_core(self,device_name,mac,ip,port,arp_table,gateway=1,subnet_mask=0xffffff00):
>  """Hard-codes a 10GbE core with the provided params. It does a blindwrite, 
> so there is no verifcation that configuration was successful (this is 
> necessary since some of these registers are set by the fabric depending on 
> traffic received). @param self This object. @param device_name String: name 
> of the device. @param mac integer: MAC address, 48 bits. @param ip integer: 
> IP address, 32 bits. @param port integer: port of fabric interface (16 bits). 
> @param subnet_mask integer: Subnet mask (32 bits). @param arp_table list of 
> integers: MAC addresses (48 bits ea). """ 
> ctrl_pack=struct.pack('>QLLLLLLBBH',mac, 0, gateway, ip, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, port) 
> subnet_mask_pack=struct.pack('>L',subnet_mask) 
> arp_pack=struct.pack('>256Q',*arp_table) 
> self.blindwrite(device_name,ctrl_pack,offset=0) 
> self.blindwrite(device_name,subnet_mask_pack,offset=0x38) 
> self.write(device_name,arp_pack,offset=0x3000) |
> This is writing values to a control register after packing them into a 
> bytestring. If I’m right, the quickest way to fix the tutorial code is to add 
> this |config_10gbe_core| function, calling it as:
> |config_10gbe_core(fpga,gbe_rx.name 
> <http://gbe_rx.name>,mac_base+13,ip_base+13,fabric_port,arp_table,gateway=1,subnet_mask=0xffffff00)
>  |
> If this functionality is indeed missing, then it should really be added ASAP 
> as it’s pretty fundamental. I’ve created a fork of |casperfpga| with a 
> possible implementation, up at 
> https://github.com/telegraphic/casperfpga/.This adds a gateway+subnet mask to 
> the setup call, and then adds a configure_core() function to communicate with 
> the FPGA, e.g.
> |r = casperfpga.CasperFpga(PI_IP, 7147) ... r.gbes.gbe1.setup(mac, ipaddress, 
> port, gateway, subnet_mask) r.gbes.gbe1.configure_core() |
> Not sure this is the best way to do it, so subject to change/input. Also not 
> sure how/why this hasn’t been spotted before (maybe I’m looking at the wrong 
> code branch or something?).
> Cheers,
> Danny
> On 9 October 2019 at 9:10:59 pm, 'Cedric Viou' via casper@lists.berkeley.edu 
> <mailto:casper@lists.berkeley.edu> (casper@lists.berkeley.edu 
> <mailto:casper@lists.berkeley.edu>) wrote:
>> Hi Casperites,
>> Thank you Jack for bringing up this subject.
>> I encountered some 10GbE issues with tutorial 2.
>> It could be a soft/firm/hard-ware version mismatch issue and I was wondering 
>> if I could get some hints to fix it.
>> I did compiled and setup this version :
>> - 
>> https://github.com/casper-astro/tutorials_devel/tree/workshop2019/roach2/tut_tge
>> - https://github.com/casper-astro/casperfpga
>> But I got little success with it:
>> - Data was flowing out (gbe0_tx_cnt was rapidly increasing), which is good.
>> - But no data was received (gbe1_rx_frame_cnt=0)
>> - Script died on 'gbe_tx.read_txsnap()' -> AttributeError: 'str' object has 
>> no attribute 'read'
>> I was suspicious about my DAC/AOC cables but they seem fine since I can 
>> wireshark the output stream on my server.
>> From what I saw, the python script doesn't seem to have any effect on the tx 
>> interface (keeps the default values) :
>> Ethernet II, Src: 12:34:56:78:00:00 (12:34:56:78:00:00), Dst: 
>> MS-NLB-PhysServer-02_01 (02:02:00:00:00:01)
>> Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 10000, Dst Port: 60000
>> Any hints on that, please?
>> I'm also wondering if the gbe?_linkup led/registers are fully functionnal 
>> since the leds are still ON when I pull the SFP cables from the cages and I 
>> got those warnings after programming the FPGA:
>> WARNING: odd register name gbe0_linkup 
>> under Gbe block
>> WARNING: odd register name gbe1_linkup 
>> under Gbe block
>> Many thanks for your help,
>> Cedric
>> -- 
>> Cedric Viou <cedric.v...@obs-nancay.fr <mailto:cedric.v...@obs-nancay.fr>>
>> Ingénieur de recherche
>> Station de Radioastronomie de Nançay,
>> Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Univ. Orléans, OSUC,
>> 18330 Nançay, France
>> http://www.obs-nancay.fr/
>> phone : +33 (0) 248 51 8609
>> fax : +33 (0) 248 51 8318
>> www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=47.381848&mlon=2.194415&zoom=18 
>> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=47.381848&mlon=2.194415&zoom=18>
>> -- 
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Cedric Viou <cedric.v...@obs-nancay.fr>

Ingénieur de recherche

Station de Radioastronomie de Nançay, 
Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Univ. Orléans, OSUC, 
18330 Nançay, France

phone : +33 (0) 248 51 8609
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