Hi all,

I found it amazing that I changed the mlib_devel directory, and the 
compilation succeeded. 
I used mlib_devel-roach2 before, but now I use the mlib_devel given by 
I am not sure why I solved the previous error. 
I'll put it on my Github page, hoping to help people who also encounter 
this error.

在2022年9月6日星期二 UTC+8 21:42:58<Wang> 写道:

> I copied the 'name_core.ngc' file into 
> mlib_devel-roach2/xps_base/XPS_ROACH2_base/pcores/.
> Then I commented out the code that prompts error.
> At this point, the 'name_core. ngc' file is found in the specified folder 
> during compilation.
> After a long time of compilation, this error finally appears:
> ********************************************************************************
> ERROR: 1 constraint not met.
> PAR could not meet all timing constraints. A bitstream will not be 
> generated.
> To disable the PAR timing check:
> 1> Disable the "Treat timing closure failure as error" option from the 
> Project Options dialog in XPS.
> OR
> 2> Type following at the XPS prompt:
> XPS% xset enable_par_timing_error 0
> ********************************************************************************
> gmake: *** [implementation/system.bit] Error 1
>    Error while running "gmake -f system.make bits".
> : XPS failed.
> Backtrace 1: gen_xps_files:711
> Backtrace 2: run_Callback:163
> Backtrace 3: casper_xps:88
> Backtrace 4: 
> @(hObject,eventdata)casper_xps('run_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)):0
> I checked the mail list and someone asked me the same question. Like the 
> questioner, I could not find the top_timing_summary_routed.rpt and 
> system_map.twr file mentioned by the respondent.
> Does anyone have experience in solving this problem?
> I really hope you can take the time to reply to me, I will be very 
> grateful.
> Regrads,
> Wang
> 在2022年9月5日星期一 UTC+8 12:49:20<Wang> 写道:
>> First of all, I wish you a wonderful workshop this week.
>> I used Matlab2013b,Ise14.7 and ROACH2.
>> I had some problems generating the bof file. Here is the compile time 
>> information.
>> This was my first time using rcs block, and I didn't understand the 
>> information about rcs that was prompted.
>> Some Warning pops up during compilation, but the compilation does not 
>> terminate. Until there was an error about PCORE, I tried to check the code, 
>> but it was still not solved.PCORE block double click can set the ngc file 
>> path, the ngc file I use is used in the PAPER correlator ngc file.
>> >> casper_xps
>> Detected Linux OS
>> #############################
>> ##      System Update      ##
>> #############################
>> rcs_init: failure using 'cd 
>> /home/wz/Tianlai_F-engine_Gateware-master/CASPER/fengtest3/; git log -n 1 
>> --abbrev-commit roach2_fengine.mdl | grep commit' in Linux
>> rcs_init: Failed to get revision info for application from specified 
>> source, will use timestamp
>> rcs_init: failure using 'cd /home/wz/mlib_devel-roach2; git log -n 1 
>> --abbrev-commit  | grep commit' in Linux
>> rcs_init: Failed to get revision info for libraries from specified 
>> source, will use current time as timestamp
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> #############################
>> ## Block objects creation  ##
>> #############################
>> ######################
>> ## Checking objects ##
>> ######################
>> Running system generator ...
>> rcs_init: failure using 'cd 
>> /home/wz/Tianlai_F-engine_Gateware-master/CASPER/fengtest3/; git log -n 1 
>> --abbrev-commit roach2_fengine.mdl | grep commit' in Linux
>> rcs_init: Failed to get revision info for application from specified 
>> source, will use timestamp
>> rcs_init: failure using 'cd /home/wz/mlib_devel-roach2; git log -n 1 
>> --abbrev-commit  | grep commit' in Linux
>> rcs_init: Failed to get revision info for libraries from specified 
>> source, will use current time as timestamp
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/dot/dot.bin: error while 
>> loading shared libraries: libexpat.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No 
>> such file or directory
>> Error running Dot.
>> Warning: Possible deprecated use of get on a Java object with an HG 
>> Property 'UserData'. 
>> > In xlNGCPostGeneration at 57
>>   In 
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/xlruntargetfcn.p>xlruntargetfcn 
>> at 12
>>   In 
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/xlGenerateButton.p>xlGenerateButton
>> at 478
>>   In gen_xps_files at 332
>>   In casper_xps>run_Callback at 163
>>   In casper_xps at 88
>>   In 
>> @(hObject,eventdata)casper_xps('run_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
>> Warning: Possible deprecated use of set on a Java object with an HG 
>> Property 'UserData'. 
>> > In xlNGCPostGeneration at 60
>>   In 
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/xlruntargetfcn.p>xlruntargetfcn 
>> at 12
>>   In 
>> /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/sysgen/bin/lin64/xlGenerateButton.p>xlGenerateButton
>> at 478
>>   In gen_xps_files at 332
>>   In casper_xps>run_Callback at 163
>>   In casper_xps at 88
>>   In 
>> @(hObject,eventdata)casper_xps('run_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
>> XSG generation complete.
>> #########################
>> ## Copying base system ##
>> #########################
>> Copying base package from:
>>  /home/wz/mlib_devel-roach2/xps_base/XPS_ROACH2_base
>> ########################
>> ## Copying custom IPs ##
>> ########################
>> : Error copying custom pcores from fft_1024ch_core\fft_1024ch_core.ngc
>> Backtrace 1: gen_xps_files:482
>> Backtrace 2: run_Callback:163
>> Backtrace 3: casper_xps:88
>> Backtrace 4: 
>> @(hObject,eventdata)casper_xps('run_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)):0
>> I made an attempt to comment out the code with PCORE Error and continue 
>> compiling. However, an error occurs at compile time:
>> ERROR:NgdBuild:604 - logical block
>> 'roach2_fengine_XSG_core_config/roach2_fengine_XSG_core_config/roach2_fengine
>>    _x0/transpose_066fc98c12/transpose_0' with type 'transpose_core' could 
>> not be
>>    resolved. A pin name misspelling can cause this, a missing edif or ngc 
>> file,
>>    case mismatch between the block name and the edif or ngc file name, or 
>> the
>>    misspelling of a type name. Symbol 'transpose_core' is not supported in
>>    target 'virtex6'.
>> Writing NGDBUILD log file "system.bld"...
>> ERROR:Xflow - Program ngdbuild returned error code 2. Aborting flow 
>> execution...
>> gmake: *** [__xps/system_routed] Error 1
>> ERROR:EDK -  
>>    Error while running "gmake -f system.make bits".
>> : XPS failed.
>> For the error related to 'gmake', I have checked the official website(FAQ 
>> - Casper (berkeley.edu) 
>> <https://casper.astro.berkeley.edu/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_do_i_get_permissions_errors_when_i_run_.22make_bits.22_from_the_xps_prompt.3F>)
>> and found a similar solution, but the problem on the website is file 
>> permission, so my error is not. Meanwhile, I confirm that I have set 'sudo 
>> lN-s make gmake'.
>> Could someone help me answer these questions? I would be very grateful!
>> BW,
>> Wang

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