Dear Jack,
      Than you so much for the response. I referred the documents that you
sent. Initially we were trying with minicom to the booting process but it
didn't work. Then we used putty and did the soloboot through that. It has
worked now. Our Roach2 is up and running now. Thanks again for your help.


On Wed, 7 Feb 2024, 08:01 Jack Hickish, <> wrote:

> Howdy,
> I think probably the first thing to do is make sure the board really is
> booting, and running a katcp server on port 7147.
> If the board side of the connection is working, you should be able to
> connect to the ROACH over telnet:
> ```
> telnet 7147
> ?help
> ```
> If this does not connect and print a list of katcp commands, then your
> ROACH isn't set up properly. Maybe the IP is wrong, or maybe it is not
> booting at all.
> There is some documentation at
> , but I'm not sure it is particularly easy to follow.
> Probably your first step should be to connect to the ROACH board via
> minicom -- the serial interface is 115200,8N1. If you connect to the
> USB-B port then the wiki page I linked suggests that you should be able to
> watch the board boot by connecting to `/dev/ttyUSB2` (which I think means
> it is the 3rd new serial interface which will appear when you connect the
> board over USB. ). From here, you can watch the board boot and see if it is
> starting linux correctly or getting stuck somewhere.
> Cheers
> Jack
> On Tue, 6 Feb 2024 at 16:51, Sivakumar Sivasankar <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Caspers,
>>        I am a research student in FIU . Currently I am working on the
>> setup of a Roach2 board. Since I have installed MATLAB 2013b, Xilinx ISE
>> 14.7 and compiled the tutorial 1 design. Now I have the .fpg and .bof
>> file.  Currently i am trying to blast the compiled files into the roach2.
>> But i could't do it.
>> Initially I tried with CasperFpga by installing python 3.8.3 and other
>> required libraries. But it didn't work. Then I planned to work with corr.
>> So i have installed python 2.7.3, corr 0.6.9, katcp 0.5.5, spead, iniparse
>> and every other modules to work with corr.
>> then i tried to connect the board through ipython but i am getting the
>> following error.
>>  In [1]: import corr
>> In [2]: fpga = corr.katcp_wrapper.FpgaClient('',7147)
>> In [3]: fpga.is_connected()
>> Out[3]: False
>> In [4]: fpga.listdev()
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call
>> last)
>> <ipython-input-4-9098951a8ce3> in <module>()
>> ----> 1 fpga.listdev()
>> /home/sivasankar/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/corr/katcp_wrapper.pyc
>> in listdev(self)
>>     205            @return  A list of register names.
>>     206            """
>> --> 207         reply, informs = self._request("listdev", self._timeout)
>>     208         return [i.arguments[0] for i in informs]
>>     209
>> /home/sivasankar/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/corr/katcp_wrapper.pyc
>> in _request(self, name, request_timeout, *args)
>>     196
>>     197             raise RuntimeError("Request %s failed.\n  Request:
>> %s\n  Reply: %s."
>> --> 198                     % (, request, reply))
>>     199         return reply, informs
>>     200
>> RuntimeError: Request listdev failed.
>>   Request: ?listdev
>>   Reply: ?listdev[1] fail Client\_not\_connected.
>> Please help me to solve this issues.
>> P.S - I didn't do any booting setting. i thought it is not needed since
>> the roach board was working before two years. Can anyone siggest me whether
>> it is needed or not? If yes, Please help me with any supporting
>> documentations that i could refer.
>> Also when the board is on,  cpu_ready is not switching on.
>> Sivasankar.S
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