On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Thorsten von Eicken <t...@rightscale.com> 
> Ah, got it, I forgot about the time-sorted CFs. So does this mean that if I
> call get_columns_since on a name-sorted CF I will get an invalid request
> exception? And also if I call get_slice_by_name_range or get_slice_by_names
> on a time-sorted CF? Or does the sorting only affect performance and not
> whether the operations are allowed or not?

My best guess from looking at the code (I haven't tested it) is that
it will try to fulfil the request on the "wrong" kind of CF, but I
don't think it actually handles that case correctly.

If you could verify that there is a bug here and file a JIRA ticket if
so, that would be helpful. :)

> Also, is there no get_slice_super_since and get_slice_super_by_name_range?

Right -- currently supercolumns are always name-sorted, and their
subcolumns are always time-sorted.


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