We're playing with Cassandra and would like to get a test cluster
setup for evaluation.  I've been playing with it on my laptop and EC2,
which are the resources easily available to me, but not that close to
what I would be using in a production environment.

What would be an ideal machine setup for a Cassandra node?  At least
two separate physical disks, one for the commit log and another for
the data, no RAID, 8-16G memory? (I think that's what Evan recommended
in his blog post)  Does anyone have any configuration stories/setups
they're willing to share on what has worked well and possibly what has
not?  Partitioning decisions and config?

Sans helpful pointers, I'll probably try setting it up on a few Dell
2950 IIs / 16G ram / 2x300G 15k SAS drives.  Curious what others have
done and any lessons learned.


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