On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 15:48:41 -0700 Joe Stump <j...@joestump.net> wrote: 

JS> On Nov 11, 2009, at 3:29 PM, Alexander Vushkan wrote:

>> ...but authentication support would be nice to have...

JS> I'll continue to object to this. If you're considering running
JS> Cassandra (or MySQL or Reddis or Memcache or MemcacheDB or ...) on an
JS> open network Ur Doin' It Wrong. This is what VPN's were created for.
JS> Nobody in their right mind runs stuff like this, in production,
JS> exposed to the outside world.

Huh?  So we're going to design insecure software by default because we'd
be idiots to expose insecure software?  That's circular reasoning.


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