We're looking at it to be part of a near real time Web analytics engine, which 
sounds similar to Ooyala.
at the moment I'm pushing to get the thing open sourced if possible.

we're looking at combining Cassandra + Esper, but we are still in the very 
early stages.
On Nov 21, 2009, at 8:17 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd love to get a better feel for who is using Cassandra and what kind
> of applications it is seeing.  If you are using Cassandra, could you
> share what you're using it for and what stage you are at with it
> (evaluation / testing / production)? Also, what alternatives you
> evaluated/are evaluating would be useful.  Finally, feel free to throw
> in "I'd love to use Cassandra if only it did X" wishes. :)
> I can start: Rackspace is using Cassandra for stats collection
> (testing, almost production) and as a backend for the Mail & Apps
> division (early testing).  We evaluated HBase, Hypertable, dynomite,
> and Voldemort as well.
> Thanks,
> -Jonathan
> (If you're in stealth mode or don't want to say anything in public,
> feel free to reply to me privately and I will keep it off the record.)

Ian Holsman

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