
Very interesting information. Was there any other numbers in tpstats from nodeprobe that are growing?

Can you plot the number of SSTables? Are you using the standard storage-conf.xml defaults?

We've seen reads spike like this with a large number of SSTables.


On Dec 3, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Freeman, Tim wrote:

I ran another test last night with the build dated 29 Nov 2009. Other than the Cassandra version, the setup was the same as before. I got qualitatively similar results as before, too -- the read latency increased fairly smoothly from 250ms to 1s, the GC times reported by jconsole are low, the pending tasks for row-mutation- stage and row-read-stage are less than 10, the pending tasks for the compaction pool are 1615. Last time around the read latency maxed out at one second. This time, it just got to one second as I'm writing this so I don't know yet if it will continue to increase.

I have attached a fresh graph describing the present run. It's qualitatively similar to the previous one. The vertical units are milliseconds (for latency) and operations per minute (for reads or writes). The horizontal scale is seconds. The feature that's bothering me is the red line for the read latency going diagonally from lower left to the lower-middle right. The scale doesn't make it look dramatic, but Cassandra slowed down by a factor of 4.

The read and write rates were stable for 45,000 seconds or so, and then the read latency got big enough that the application was starved for reads and it started writing less.

If this is worth pursuing, I suppose the next step would be for me to make a small program that reproduces the problem. It should be easy -- we're just reading and writing random records. Let me know if there's interest in that. I could also decide to live with a 1000 ms latency here. I'm thinking of putting a cache in the local filesystem in front of Cassandra (or whichever distributed DB we decide to go with), so living with it is definitely possible.

Tim Freeman
Email: tim.free...@hp.com
Desk in Palo Alto: (650) 857-2581
Home: (408) 774-1298
Cell: (408) 348-7536 (No reception business hours Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; call my desk instead.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Ellis [mailto:jbel...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11:10 AM
To: cassandra-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Persistently increasing read latency

1) use jconsole to see what is happening to jvm / cassandra internals.
possibly you are slowly exceeding cassandra's ability to keep up with
writes, causing the jvm to spend more and more effort GCing to find
enough memory to keep going

2) you should be at least on 0.4.2 and preferably trunk if you are
stress testing


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Freeman, Tim <tim.free...@hp.com> wrote:
In an 8 hour test run, I've seen the read latency for Cassandra drift fairly linearly from ~460ms to ~900ms. Eventually my application gets starved for reads and starts misbehaving. I have attached graphs -- horizontal scales are seconds, vertical scales are operations per minute and average milliseconds per operation. The clearest feature is the light blue line in the left graph drifting consistently upward during the run.

I have a Cassandra 0.4.1 database, one node, records are 100kbytes each, 350K records, 8 threads reading, around 700 reads per minute. There are also 8 threads writing. This is all happening on a 4 core processor that's supporting both the Cassandra node and the code that's generating load for it. I'm reasonably sure that there are no page faults.

I have attached my storage-conf.xml. Briefly, it has default values, except RpcTimeoutInMillis is 30000 and the partitioner is OrderPreservingPartitioner. Cassandra's garbage collection parameters are:

-Xms128m -Xmx1G -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX: +UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled

Is this normal behavior? Is there some change to the configuration I should make to get it to stop getting slower? If it's not normal, what debugging information should I gather? Should I give up on Cassandra 0.4.1 and move to a newer version?

I'll leave it running for the time being in case there's something useful to extract from it.

Tim Freeman
Email: tim.free...@hp.com
Desk in Palo Alto: (650) 857-2581
Home: (408) 774-1298
Cell: (408) 348-7536 (No reception business hours Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday; call my desk instead.)


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