Agreed that there is not much to go on here in the original question.
I will say that we very recently found a good fit with Solr and
Cassandra in how we deal with a very heavy write volume of news
article data. Cassandra is excellent with write throughput and high
availability, but our search use cases are with time-dependent news
content, so we need lots of term proximity, faceting and ordering

We probably could store everything in Solr, but the above approach
will allow us to make articles immediately available in a
fault-tolerant manner while being able to efficiently send batches at
regular intervals to Solr and therefore scale out our ingestion of
news articles a little smoother. Full disclosure: I am still getting
my head around the innards of Solr replication and clustering, but so
far I feel like we made a good choice.

Hopefully the above will be helpful to folks during their evaluations.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Joseph Bowman <> wrote:
> I have to agree with Tatu. If you're struggling to find reasons to validate
> that Cassandra is the better choice for your task than Solr, then perhaps
> Solr is the correct choice. I kind of went through the same thing recently,
> struggled to make Cassandra fit what I was doing, then realized I was doing
> it wrong and moved to MongoDB.
> Cassandra is great at what it tries to accomplish, which is managing
> gigantic datasets in a distributed way. The question is, is that really what
> you need?
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Tatu Saloranta <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Richard Grossman <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > This message is little different than support.
>> > I'm confronted to problem where people want to change Cassandra with
>> > Solr
>> > server. I really think that our problem is a great case for cassandra
>> > but I
>> > need more arguments.
>> >
>> > So please if you've some time just put some idea why to use cassandra
>> > instead solr.
>> Solution is generally applicable to a problem... so what is the (main) use
>> case?
>> That would make it easier to find arguments for or against proposed
>> solution.
>> -+ Tatu +-

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