Hi Jonathan:
 "the old node can be the replacement, as long as you change its IP address"

 Do you mean that the operations to replace a bad node is :
1) choose a new machine which has the same configuration, eg. InitialToken, and 
has a different IP address;
2) start the new machine, which will start boostrapping;
3) After bootstrapping, the new machine will restore the data as before.

(All nodes' InitialToken are set manully)

I have tried in this way and that looks ok.  Is this a good way? :-)
Thanks !!


发件人:Jonathan Ellis
发送日期:2010-01-15 11:12:05
主题:Re: Re: replace a bad node through bootstrapping

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Michael Lee
<mail.list.steel.men...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If a node's data has been damaged, you cannot use new node replace old one 
> directly, unless 'removetoken' first.
> But, (suppose node A is dead)
> 'removetoken' will complement missing replica due A's death first, it will 
> generate lot data on other nodes, say it's B, C, D
> After add new node and copy data from other node through bootstrapping, you 
> have to 'cleanup' data just
> generate from ' removetoken ' on B, C, D
> So, B/C/D will have heavy I/O load (half of them is waste) due to repair A, 
> in pan's case, it will be 5TB (and will cause days...)
> Pan try to invent a method to repair A directly through streaming, and have 
> less impact on other nodes.

Thanks for clarifying that.

I thought we agreed in your last thread about this that bootstrapping
a replacement node (the old node can be the replacement, as long as
you change its IP address) first, then removing the entry for the dead
one, would be a reasonable procedure here.


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