On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:14:27 -0600 Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote: 

JE> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Phillip Michalak
JE> <phil.micha...@digitalreasoning.com> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a recommendation for configuring cassandra on a cluster
>> with 'large' nodes?
>> i.e. multiple nodes, each >64G RAM, 8 cores, >4 disks
>> Would it be better to run multiple cassandra processes per node (configured
>> on separate IP addresses, separate data directories, etc) or just a single
>> mammoth cassandra process on each node? Is there an upper bound on what
>> you'd want to allocate to a cassandra process?

JE> assuming that you're planning to use most of the ram for read caching
JE> and not for the JVM process, I don't see any advantage to justify the
JE> extra complexity of running multiple processes per machine.

JE> (I only mention that caveat because I don't know how well the JVM
JE> scales to heaps that large.)

Sun mentions garbage collection issues in the HotSpot FAQ:

Based on that, it seems like a good idea to enable the parallel or
concurrent garbage collectors with large heaps.  We're looking at this
at our site as well so I'm curious about people's experiences.


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