I checked out the 0.5 branch and ran ant release (on my linux box). Installed 
the new tar.gz and ran the test on my Windows laptop as before but got the same 
result -- the key isn't deleted from the perspective of get_range_slice. 


From: Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com>
To: cassandra-user@incubator.apache.org
Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 4:52:17 PM
Subject: Re: Did CASSANDRA-647 get fixed in 0.5?

647 was committed for 0.5, yes, but CASSANDRA-703 was not.  Can you
try the 0.5 branch and see if it is fixed there?

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Omer van der Horst Jansen
<ome...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm running
> into an issue with Cassandra 0.5 (the current release version) that
> sounds exactly like the description of issue CASSANDRA-647.
> I'm
> using the Thrift Java API to store a couple of columns in a single row. A few 
> seconds after that my application deletes the entire row. A plain
> Cassandra.Client.get() will then throw a NotFoundException for that
> particular key, as expected. However, the key will still show up when 
> executing a
> Cassandra.Client.get_range_slice query.
> Here is some quick and
> dirty Java code that demonstrates the problem:
> import
> java.util.List;
> import org.apache.cassandra.service.*;
> import
> org.apache.thrift.protocol.*;
> import org.apache.thrift.transport.*;
> public class Cassandra647TestApp
> {
>    /**
>     * Demonstrates
> CASSANDRA-647 presence in Cassandra 0.5 release.
>     * Requires an
> unmodified Cassandra configuration except that an
>     *
> OrderPreservingPartitioner should be used.
>     */
>    public
> static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
>    {
> String keyspace = "Keyspace1";
>        String cf = "Standard1";
>        String key = "testrow1";
>        byte[] columnName =
> "colname".getBytes();
>        byte[] data = "testdata".getBytes();
>        TTransport transport = new TSocket("localhost", 9160);
>        TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
> Cassandra.Client client = new Cassandra.Client(protocol);
> transport.open();
>        ColumnPath path = new ColumnPath(cf, null,
> columnName);
>        client.insert(keyspace, key, path, data,
> System.currentTimeMillis(),
>                ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
>        Thread.sleep(1000);
>        ColumnPath rowpath = new
> ColumnPath(cf, null, null);
>        client.remove(keyspace, key,
> rowpath, System.currentTimeMillis(),
> ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
>        Thread.sleep(1000);
>        try
>        {
>            ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = client.get(keyspace,
> key, path,
>                    ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
> System.out.println("Whoops! NotFoundException not thrown!");
>        }
>        catch (NotFoundException e)
>        {
> System.out.println("OK, we got a NotFoundException");
>        }
>        ColumnParent parent = new ColumnParent(cf, null);
> SlicePredicate predicate = new SlicePredicate();
>        SliceRange
> range = new SliceRange();
>        range.start = new byte[0];
>        range.finish = new byte[0];
>        predicate.slice_range = range;
>        List<KeySlice> sliceList = client.get_range_slice(keyspace, parent,
>                predicate, "", "", 1000,
> ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
>        for (KeySlice k : sliceList)
>        {
>            System.out.println("Found key " + k.key);
>            if (key.equals(k.key))
>            {
> System.out.println("but key " + k.key
>                        + "
> should have been removed");
>            }
>        }
>    }
> }
> Am I using the API correctly in the code above?
> -Omer van der Horst Jansen


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