The combination of 'too many open files' and lots of memtable flushes could 
mean you have tons and tons of sstables on disk. This can make reads especially 

If you are seeing the timeouts on reads a lot more often than on writes, then 
this explanation might make sense, and you should watch


-----Original Message-----
From: "Jonathan Ellis" <>
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 9:43pm
Subject: Re: TimeOutExceptions and Cluster Performance

There's a lot more details that would be useful, but if you are on the
verge of OOMing and something actually running out, then that's
probably the culprit; when the JVM gets low on ram it will consume all
your CPU trying to GC enough to continue.  (you mentioned seeing high
cpu on one core which tends to corroborate this; to confirm you can
look at the thread using the CPU:

Look at your executor queues, in the output of nodeprobe tpstats if
you have no other metrics system.  You probably are just swamping it
with writes, if you have 1000s of ops in any of the pending queues,
that's bad.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Stephen Hamer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running a 5 node Cassandra cluster and am having a very tough time
> getting reasonable performance from it. Many of the requests are failing
> with TimeOutException. This is making it difficult to use Cassandra in a
> production setting.
> The cluster was running fine for a week or two (it was created 3 weeks ago)
> but has started to degrade in the last week. The cluster was originally only
> 3 nodes but when performance started to degrade I added another two nodes.
> This doesn't seem to have helped though.
> Requests being made from the my application are being balanced across the
> cluster in a round robin fashion. Many of these requests are failing with
> TimeOutException. When the occurs I can look at the DB servers and several
> of them fully utilizing 1 core. I can turn off my application when this is
> going on (which stops all reads and writes to Cassandra). The cluster seems
> to stay in this state for another several hour before returning to a resting
> state.
> When the CPU is loaded I see lots of messages about en-queuing, sorting, and
> writing memtables so I have tried adjusting the memtable size down to 16MB
> and raised the MemtableFlushAfterMinutes to 1440. This doesn't seem to have
> affected anything though.
> I was seeing errors about too many file descriptors being open so I added
> “ulimit –n 32768” to This seems to fixed this. I was also
> seeing lots of out of memory exceptions so I raised the heap size to 4GB.
> This has helped but not eliminated the OOM issues.
> I'm not sure if it's related to any of the performance issues but I see lots
> of log entries about DigestMismatchExceptions. I've included a sample of the
> exceptions below.
> My Cassandra cluster is almost unusable in its current state because of the
> number of timeout exceptions that I'm seeing. I suspect that this is because
> of a configuration or I have improperly set something up. It feels like the
> database has entered a bad state which is causing it to churn as much as it
> is but have no way to verify this.
> What steps can I take to address the performance issues I am seeing and the
> consistent stream of TimeOutExceptions?
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> Here are some specifics about the cluster configuration:
> 5 Large EC2 instances - 7.5 GB ram, 2 cores (64bit, 1-1.2Ghz), data and
> commit logs stored on separate EBS volumes. Boxes are running Debian 5.
> r...@prod-cassandra4 ~/cassandra # bin/nodeprobe -host localhost ring
> Address       Status     Load          Range
>      Ring
> 101279862673517536112907910111793343978
> Up         2.94 GB       27246729060092122727944947571993545
>      |<--|
>         3.67 GB
> 34209800341332764076889844611182786881     |   ^
>         11.86 GB
>  42649376116143870288751410571644302377     v   |
>  Up         6.37 GB
> 81374929113514034361049243620869663203     |   ^
>         5.15 GB
> 101279862673517536112907910111793343978    |-->|
> I am running the 0.5 release of Cassandra (at commit 44e8c2e...). Here are
> some of my configuration options:
> Memory, disk, performance section of storage-conf.xml (I've only included
> options that I've changed from the defaults):
> <Partitioner>org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner</Partitioner>
> <ReplicationFactor>3</ReplicationFactor>
> <SlicedBufferSizeInKB>512</SlicedBufferSizeInKB>
> <FlushDataBufferSizeInMB>64</FlushDataBufferSizeInMB>
> <FlushIndexBufferSizeInMB>16</FlushIndexBufferSizeInMB>
> <ColumnIndexSizeInKB>64</ColumnIndexSizeInKB>
> <MemtableSizeInMB>16</MemtableSizeInMB>
> <MemtableObjectCountInMillions>0.1</MemtableObjectCountInMillions>
> <MemtableFlushAfterMinutes>1440</MemtableFlushAfterMinutes>
> <ConcurrentReads>8</ConcurrentReads>
> <ConcurrentWrites>32</ConcurrentWrites>
> <CommitLogSync>periodic</CommitLogSync>
> <CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS>10000</CommitLogSyncPeriodInMS>
> <GCGraceSeconds>864000</GCGraceSeconds>
> <BinaryMemtableSizeInMB>128</BinaryMemtableSizeInMB>
> interesting bits of
> ulimit -n 32768
> JVM_OPTS=" \
>         -ea \
>         -Xdebug \
>         -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8888,suspend=n \
>         -Xms512M \
>         -Xmx4G \
>         -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 \
>         -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 \
>         -XX:+AggressiveOpts \
>         -XX:+UseParNewGC \
>         -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \
>         -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled \
>         -XX:SurvivorRatio=128 \
>         -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0 \
> \
> \
> Sample of DigestMismatchExceptions:
> INFO - DigestMismatchException: Mismatch for key 289
> (7d820ce745ace086c82270ed05218d97 vs d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
> INFO - DigestMismatchException: Mismatch for key 289
> (f08c5ee5e159db5d482486e26fe8a549 vs d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
> INFO - DigestMismatchException: Mismatch for key 289
> (f4ab9d859f03a0416a78a1cf5a94a701 vs d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
> INFO - DigestMismatchException: Mismatch for key 289
> (a9d631de3f56f135918b008c186b75ac vs d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
> INFO - DigestMismatchException: Mismatch for key 289
> (33fdf46e0a897b19da204584e42b5d43 vs d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)

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