are you using the old deb package?  because that had broken gc settings.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Santal Li <> wrote:
> I meet almost same thing as you. When I do some benchmarks write test, some
> times one Cassandra will freeze and other node will consider it was shutdown
> and up after 30+ second. I am using 5 node, each node 8G mem for java heap.
> From my investigate, it was caused by GC thread, because I start the
> JConsole and monitor with the memory heap usage, each time when the GC
> happend, heap usage will drop down from 6G to 1G, and check the casandra
> log, I found the freeze happend at exactly same times.
> So I think when using huge memory(>2G), maybe need using some different GC
> stratege other than the default one provide by Cassandra lunch script.
> Dose't anyone meet this situation, can you please provide some guide?
> Thanks
> -Santal
> 2010/2/17 Tatu Saloranta <>
>> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Boris Shulman <> wrote:
>> > Hello, I'm running some benchmarks on 2 cassandra nodes each running
>> > on 8 cores machine with 16G RAM, 10G for Java heap. I've noticed that
>> > during benchmarks with numerous writes cassandra just freeze for
>> > several minutes (in those benchmarks I'm writing batches of 10 columns
>> > with 1K data each for every key in a single CF). Usually after
>> > performing 50K writes I'm getting a TimeOutException and cassandra
>> > just freezes. What configuration changes can I make in order to
>> > prevent this? Is it possible that my setup just can't handle the load?
>> > How can I calculate the number of casandra nodes for a desired load?
>> One thing that can cause seeming lockups is garbage collector. So
>> enabling GC debug output would be heplful, to see GC activity. Some
>> collector (CMS specifically) can stop the system for very long time,
>> up to minutes. This is not necessarily the root cause, but is easy to
>> rule out.
>> Beyond this, getting a stack trace during lockup would make sense.
>> That can pinpoint what threads are doing, or what they are blocked on
>> in case there is a deadlock or heavy contention on some shared
>> resource.
>> -+ Tatu +-

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