On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 07:43, Alexandre Conrad
<alexandre.con...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I understand, there's how I organize Cassandra entities:
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/185126/
> Is this somehow correct?
> --
> Alex
> twitter.com/alexconrad

It is basically correct.  Your diagram could be extended by indicating
that columns consist of name, value, timestamp and that super columns
have names and that a column family consists exclusively of columns or
super columns (never both).

I might switch Row and ColumnFamily in the hierarchy too since the
rows live in column families and not necessarily in the keyspace.  The
API masks this detail away though, by allowing you to supply a single
keyspace and row key and then operations that span column families.
So maybe that is more of an interpretation that depends on which side
of the client you spend most of your time.


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