Brilliant thanks! It has all fallen into place now.

I can cache the attributes for every method from the ComponentModel in a 
dictionary using the MethodInfo as the key, and then retrieve them from the 
cache using invocation.Method when the interceptor is called.

I am of course hoping that MethodInfo behaves nicely as a key in a 
dictionary. Not tested it yet :)

On Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 2:03:58 PM UTC+1, Krzysztof Koźmic wrote:
> The ComponentModel will give your interceptor the information about the 
> component so you can pre-cache whatever information you need to extract 
> from the attributes (componentModel.Implementation will give you the 
> type).
> Then in the Intercept you can quickly look that data up. It's a 
> performance optimisation. IIRC you'll get an interceptor instance per 
> component instance, not per method, so one interceptor will apply to all 
> methods on an instance (unless you exclude it with IInterceptorSelector).
> Hope that makes sense

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