Nice idea - validates the product.  How about having the same for
Castor-XML ?


                    Kruszelnicki         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
                    <jacek@numati        cc:                                           
          >              Subject:     [castor-dev] Castor in 
                    10:33 AM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         


I think we need a "Castor Success Stories" page on the castor web-site.

I would like to volunteer and collect Castor JDO-related success stories
from people on the list. Please respond to me either directly
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or through this mailing list and I will create an HTML

page to be included with Castor (if so desired).

Please give back to the project by participating in this survey - Castor is

a great project and we _all_ need to keep it moving ahead.

Thanks to all in advance,

-- Jacek

The suggested list of questions regarding JDO is:

1. Company name: (optional)
2. E-mail address: (optional)
3. Production use? (Yes/No)
4. How many end-users (approximately) use the system?
5. Number of classes/tables (approximately):
6. Total number of instances (approximately):
7. How long has the system been in use (production)?
8. Please note the kind of relationships you use (select all that apply)

         -> 1-1,
         -> 1-many,
         -> many-many

9. Used within an application server?  If yes, which one?
10.Caveats, comments

Jacek Kruszelnicki
Numatica Corporation
Phone: (781) 756 8064

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           unsubscribe castor-dev

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        unsubscribe castor-dev

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