I cannot update object Test t, since it is entirely new - does not exist in 
the DB or in cache yet.
So I call the constructor

Test t= new Test(70);

then I fetch an existing (in the DB) object of type Company

Company c = pm.findByPrimaryKey(test.Company.class, new Integer(30));

then set object t to point to object c


and finally, I want to create t in the persistent sense:


I cannot call pm.update(t) since t does not exist in the DB yet.

-- Jacek

>Take a look at org.exolab.castor.jdo.Database.update(). Also why
>are you using a pm.create()? I believe that this is part of the
>problem. If I'm not mistaken, this forces a create. commit() might
>have been a better choice here.
>perl -e 'print 
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Jacek Kruszelnicki
Numatica Corporation
Phone: (781) 756 8064

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