Hi Arnaud,

sounds good. I'm just wondering if you are refering to the
same part of the problem I feel is wrong:
I think the main error happens during marshalling -CASTOR should
not instert the xsi stuff at all. 
I don't know if unmarshalling introduces some more problems when
it sees the xsi attributes but if it does I see that as a second
Can you confirm that the fix would be for the first issue ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaud Blandin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [castor-dev] xsd:string becomes java:java.lang.String when
marshalling element with "enumeration" contents

Hi Laslo,

some code have been introduced to change the behavior of 'xsi:type',
Sebastien is working on a fix and clean solution so it might fix this
The code may appear in one or 2 weeks in the CVS,

Sorry for the inconvenience,


-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: BEDNARIK,LASLO (HP-Germany,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
-> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:33 AM
-> Subject: [castor-dev] xsd:string becomes java:java.lang.String when
-> marshalling element with "enumeration" contents
-> Hi,
-> I face the problem that when I unmarshall an element whose type is
-> "xsd:string" with a 
-> restriction to enumerated values Castor inserts some "xsi" attributes for
-> this element.
-> On the other hand everything seems to be fine for attributes of the same
-> type.
-> This occurs using classes generated by the SourceGenerator (CVS snapshot
-> Nov 14th) and JDK 1.2.2.
-> Here is my schema and the output of CASTOR marshalling of a tree of Java
-> objects -
-> note that when I try to unmarshal the output of marshal() I get an error
-> because of the
-> xsi stuff ! :
-> -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> -----------
-> ---------------------
-> <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
-> <xsd:schema 
->         xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
->         xmlns:msg="http://www.bednarik.com/test";
->         xmlns="http://www.bednarik.com/test";
->         targetNamespace="http://www.bednarik.com/test";
->         elementFormDefault="unqualified" >
-> <xsd:element name="Main">
->    <xsd:complexType>
->       <xsd:sequence>
->          <xsd:element ref="EnumeratedElement" />
->          <xsd:element ref="ElementWithEnumeratedAttribute" />
->       </xsd:sequence>
->    </xsd:complexType>
-> </xsd:element>       
-> <xsd:element name="EnumeratedElement" >
->    <xsd:simpleType>
->       <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
->          <xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
->          <xsd:enumeration value="no" />
->       </xsd:restriction>
->    </xsd:simpleType>
-> </xsd:element>
-> <xsd:element name="ElementWithEnumeratedAttribute" >
->    <xsd:complexType>
->       <xsd:attribute name="flag">
->          <xsd:simpleType>
->             <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
->                <xsd:enumeration value="yes" />
->                <xsd:enumeration value="no" />
->             </xsd:restriction>
->          </xsd:simpleType>
->       </xsd:attribute>
->    </xsd:complexType>
-> </xsd:element>
-> -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> -----------
-> ---------------------
-> <?xml version="1.0"?>
-> <test:Main xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
-> xmlns:test="http://www.bednarik.com/test";>
->     <test:EnumeratedElement
->         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
-> xsi:type="java:java.lang.String">yes</test:EnumeratedElement>
->     <test:ElementWithEnumeratedAttribute flag="no"/>
-> </test:Main>
-> -----------------------------------------------------------------
-> -----------
-> ---------------------
-> Error from unmarshal():
-> org.xml.sax.SAXException: unable to instantiate java.lang.String;
-> org.xml.sax.SA
-> XException: class java.lang.String is not a subclass of class
-> com.hp.es.xml.test
-> .types.EnumeratedElementType
-> ----------------------------------------------------------- 
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