Sorry I had to repost this issue, I'm still having problems with it.  Even
when I try to fake short transaction when inserting new Skill to the Worker
skill collection.

  *-- previous message thread:"JDO Mapping Problem"---*
I have a situation where there is a list of pre-defined skills
in the SKILL table and each worker may have many skills, therefore
I have a collection of skill in the Worker class.

I am able to read & remove skills from the collection but when I
insert a skill in the collection, castor tries to Insert an new
record in the skill table as well as the workerskill table.

How do I get it to write only to the workerskill table?

Thank you.

<!-- Table: WORKER -->
      <class name="isman.base.person.Worker"

        <map-to table="WORKER" xml="Worker"/>
        <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

        <field name="key" type="integer" >
          <sql name="WORKERKEY" type="integer"/>
          <bind-xml node="attribute"/>

        <field name="lastName" type="string" >
          <sql name="LASTNAME" type="varchar"/>
          <bind-xml node="attribute"/>

        <!-- education File -->
        <field name="educationFile" type="isman.base.Education"
          <sql many-key="PARENTKEY"/>
          <bind-xml name="education" node="element"/>

        <!-- employment history File -->
        <field name="historyFile" type="isman.base.WorkHistory"
          <sql many-key="PARENTKEY" />
          <bind-xml name="history" node="element"/>

        <!-- SKILLS -->
        <field name="skills" type="isman.base.Skill"
          <sql many-table="WORKERSKILL" many-key="WORKERKEY"/>
          <bind-xml name="skills" node="element"/>

<!-- Table: SKILL -->
  <class name="isman.base.Skill"
         access="shared" identity="key">

    <description>Table with existing skills</description>
    <map-to table="SKILL" />

    <field name="key" type="integer" required="true">
      <sql name="SKILLKEY" type="integer" />

    <field name="name" type="string">
      <sql name="NAME" type="varchar"/>

    <field name="description" type="string">
      <sql name="DESCRIPTION" type="varchar"/>

    <field name="workers" type="isman.base.person.Worker"
    <sql many-table="WORKERSKILL" many-key="SKILLKEY" dirty="ignore"/>


the primary keys in the tables are as follows:

WORKER - workerkey
WORKERSKILL - workerkey, skillkey
SKILL - skillkey

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