I have a Java class and I'm trying to convert to XML (marshal) and back to Java object 
(unmarshal).  The problem I having is the Java object have a getter which return one 
object and a corresponding setter which take a different object.  I'm allow to make 
any  change to these functions.

Example :

  class A {

     String attr1 = null;
     String attr2 = null;

     public String getAttr1() {
        return attr1;

     public void  setAttr1(String attr) {
        attr1 = attr;

     public String getAttr2() {
        return attr2;

      public void  setAttr2(String attr) {
        attr2 = attr;

     public ResultSet getInfo() {
         ResultSet result = null;
        //Some work to retrive the data
        return result;

     public void setInfo(Properties resultSet) {
        attr1 = (String) resultSet.get("ATTR1");
        attr2 = (String) resultSet.get("ATTR2");

    The marshalling would be fine and an XML would be created.  But when I tried to 
unmarshal the XML it would failed because the getInfo/setInfo.  

     Is there a way tell the marshal function to ignore the getInfo when I doing the 

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