There are many permissions, and each role can contain 0 to * permissions.
One permission can be in 0 to * roles.

I  want the permissions created (if they don't already exist)  when I create
a new role, but not deleted when I delete a role.

Doing work on a Turbine-Castor project so the roles and permissions come
from there.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [castor-dev] New child objects in m:n relation not created in
Persistent storage when creating new parent

> > Bert van Brakel wrote:
> >
> > Why does castor not create new child objects in persistent storage
> > when I create a new parent object?
> >
> > Example code:
> >     db.begin();
> >     Permission perm1 = new Permission( "perm1" );
> >     Permission perm2 = new Permission( "perm2" );
> >     Role role = new Role();
> >     role.add( perm1 );
> >     role.add( perm2 );
> >     db.create( role ); <------
> >     db.commit();
> >
> > Public methods:
> >     The class Permission has get/set Name and Id (String)
> >     Role also has get/set Name and Id (String), and get/set
> > Permissions (Collection)
> > Relationships:
> >     The Permission class is not dependant on Role.
> >     There is a m:n relationship between the Role and Permission
> > classes.
> >
> > All works OK if I create the permissions first in persistence storage,
> > using a UUID key-genarator (for both Permission and Role), then
> > retrieve the permissions from storage and add them to the role.
> > Mapping between Role and Permission works OK.
> >
> > However things don't work fine if I add new permissions to role
> > without first creating them in the persistent storage. Is there a way
> > I can get castor to do this without making  Permissions dependant on
> > Role?
> Bert,
> How are these two object mapped? Does a Permission depend on a Role?
> Bruce
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