
Chris Cook schrieb:
> Does anyone have experience with actually creating database schemas from an
> xml file with Castor?  For example if I had an oracle schema, I would like
> to use the same xml file I created that schema off of to create it in
> SQL2000.
I don't know of any tool to do this - but ...

> Would this be easy to do with Castor?
should be not really difficult to do it.
I have written a simple Java source generator for JDO persistance
very quickly and that should be possible for SQL generation also.

Here is a start point:

        MappingRoot mapping;
        { // use castor internal parser, structures
            log.info( "start reading "+sMapping );
            Reader reader = new FileReader( sMapping );
            mapping = MappingRoot.unmarshal( reader );

        Enumeration e = mapping.enumerateClassMapping();
        ClassMapping cmap;
        while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {

            cmap = (ClassMapping)e.nextElement();


you can use the castor mapping loader and can iterate on it's
declared classes to generate DDL. M-N Relations are somewhat more
difficult (store/remember them as you pass them and generate at end).
A plugin architecture for the target DB (like JDO engines) would be
nice but that would be a real castor sub project ...


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Markus Fritz                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Innovative Software GmbH * Heimsheimerstr. 1 * 70499 Stuttgart

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