
I'm developing a frontend to edit XML documents specified by a Schema.
Castor has really made my work a lot easier!

My problem is that during the process of editing or creating an XML document
it can be in an invalid state. The frontend allows this to the point of
saving the document. When the schema is not followed it is sometimes
difficult to realise what is missing / wrong in the XML document. For
debugging purposes I would like to inspect the XML by marshalling my Castor
object and printing it to System.out. This doesn't work since the current
state is not valid and I tried to go around it like this:

org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller m = new
m.marshal(currTxtField, sw);

if (!currTxtField.isValid())
  System.out.println("This TxtField is not in a valid state!");


I thought that the .setValidation(false) would override any validation but
this doesn't seem to be the case. An exception is thrown telling me that
this or that field is required.

How can I skip validation and still output the XML to a String?


/Emil Breding

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