This one time, at band camp, Jeff Bagens said:

JB >So there are some more details on my problem below... I continue
JB > to struggle with getting lazy loading to work at all. I didn't see
JB > any examples on how to do it, so I've been making best guesses.
JB > Thanks again for your time and help!

There are examples of lazy loading in src/tests/jdo/
It's a bit tougher to follow because it's encapsulated in the tests,
but it's there.

As for the classes, I noticed that you are using a java.util.Vector
to hold the clicks, but the getter returns a java.util.Collection.
I seem to remember that Castor has issue with lack of consistency
the collection type. Stick with java.util.Vector for now. You'll
need to change the mapping descriptor as well.

It seems like the Person class is mixed with the Click class. Click
is defined in the mapping descriptor, but it's not submitted here.
Don't paste the files into the email, just attach them. Also, please
include the client code. It looks like a class called LazyTest.

I also noticed from the log info that you're running in the Orion
servlet engine. This may also have an effect on the whole process
as well.


perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)U8V4\@4VYY9&5R\"F9E<G)E=\$\!F<FEI+F-O;0\`\`");'

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