Berg Klaus-Peter wrote:
> Hallo,
> I'm an enthusiastic user of Castor's capability to transform bean-like Java
> data objects to XML.
> The only thing I'm missing, is that the bean naming convention to start
> "boolean question methods" like isEmpty() with the prefix "is" instead of
> "get". I found that Castor does not recognize such isFoo() methods and they
> are only included in the XML output if I write an additional getFoo()
> method. This is cumbersome. Is there a chance to get this feature in the
> next Castor XML release?

The CVS version of Castor already supports isMethods for both Mapping
file and introspection.

I have tested this and re-tested this over the last week, because a few
people reported problems with this, however everything is working nicely
for me. I have not heard back from those who have reported issues, so
hopefully everything is working nicely for them as well.

> I have written two classes that uses the decorator or wrapper pattern to
> provide the toXml() feature and other nice capabilities to arbitrary
> bean-like classes and even to Java 2 collections that are not handled by
> default using Castor.
> May be they are of interest as a useful add on in a Castor "util" package...
>  <<>>    <<>>

Thanks Klaus, We'll review these and give you our comments. 


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