The functionality of "MBean Server" is to:

1. Load configuration

2. Load components with dependencies.

3. Initialize


Currently this functionality located in jdo.JDO, jdo.engine.DatabaseRegistry, jdo.engine.JDOMappingLoader.

The main component is SPI provider. It implements interfaces under persist.spi. Currently there is only one

SQL engine with DAX in refactoring.

Additional pieces which can wrapped as component are:


2. Query model : SQL/OQL/SODA/XPath/java JDO query language/Programmable API for building query.

3. LockEngine with policies. It should be possible to set on LockEngine per jvm, per database connection, per transaction to provide ACID properties. Optimistic locks using timestamps, version, state changes or native database update detection goes here.

4. Transaction. (Pessimistic, optimistic).

As I've seen in AvalonDB and OJB it is became fashionable to implement insert/update/delete/query operations as actions. They can be wrapped as MBeans too.



  Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


It seems to me that the next logical step is to discuss the current
API vs. what it should become. IMHO, David's proposal to construct
Castor using both JCA and JMX is superb. In order to get started
on this, we must first decide what portion(s) of the current API
should be considered the core of Castor JDO and what pieces of the
current API can be broken out into their own modules (e.g. conf,
drivers, oql, etc.). However, I think that the current API could
stand to be broken up (e.g. engine and persist really need to be
split up) into more logical packages. Thomas, Ilia and Ned have
already been discussing this a bit (caching, locking, etc.) but
only a small portion. Let's expand this discussion to include what
should be the Castor JDO core and what should be a module. My
thinking on this stems from the fact that the part of the core willbe an implementation of an MBean server architecture and the modules
can be implemented as MBeans and at least the drivers could be
implemented using JCA.

Again, I may be fired up about nothing, but I certainly like David's
proposal. To me, this modular architecture is truly what has propelled
JBoss to the next level.


perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)U8V4@4VYY9&5R"F9E
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