Make sure you read to the bottom of the e-mail...

Castor won't be affected by the Exolab chanages and *WILL* continue to
be enhanced and maintained.



Ashish Agrawal wrote:
> Dear Community,
> Intalio,Inc has over the past three years has initiated
> and sponsored a number of open source projects. These
> projects have matured and now used in a number of
> commercial products and bespoke projects undertaken
> by companies and individuals.
> Intalio,Inc focus has changed over this timeframe to
> focus on expanding the technologies in the area of
> Business Process Management (BPM), helping found,
> author the BPML specification and introduce a product
> Intalio|n3 (BPMS) into the marketplace.
> As we continue a strategy focused on delivering BPM
> products, we can no longer support all the open source
> projects with our limited resources. In the best interest
> of the open source community we would like to announce
> the following changes:
> OpenORB:
> We support the project on Sourceforge and recommend any
> contributors to contribute to this project.
> OpenORB will no longer be hosted on Exolab.
> OpenEJB:
> We support the project on Sourceforge and recommend any
> contributors to support this project.
> OpenEJB will no longer be hosted on Exolab.
> OpenJMS:
> We will move the project on Sourceforge and recommend any
> contributors to support this project.
> OpenJMS will no longer be hosted on Exolab.
> Tyrex:
> We will move the project on Sourceforge and recommend any
> contributors to support this project.
> Tyrex will no longer be hosted on Exolab.
> We will continue to support CastorXML as an open source
> project and host it on Exolab.
> The cvs, ftp, mail archives and web sites for the affected
> projects are being transferred over the next few days so
> you will notice some interruptions. You will have to
> subscribe to the mailing list on sourceforge and also
> change the CVS configurations that you are using.
> If you would like to get more actively involved with
> any of the projects please send an e-mail on the sourceforge
> mailing lists.
> We would like to thank all the contributors and supporters
> of the projects over the years who have made them a success.
> Regards,
> Ashish
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ashish Agrawal                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> VP. of Engineering, Intalio,Inc.               
> The Business Process Management Company
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of:
>         unsubscribe castor-dev

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