I'm trying to map a Java class into two database tables and was wondering if
that is supported using Castor.

For example I have a Car class in Java that looks like

public class Car{
        private int id;
        private String color;
        private String make;
        private String year;

        public String getColor(){...} 
        public void setColor() {...}

can that class map into the following database tables?
table vehicle (
  id   int not null,
  color varchar(200) not null

table car(
  id int not null, (foriegn key into vehicle)
  make varchar,
  year varchar

I know how it would look to one table, but not for two, for example
  <class name="Car" identity="id">
    <description>This is the car class</description>
    <map-to table="car" />
    <field name="id" type="int">
      <sql name="id" type="integer"/>
    <field name="make" type="string">
      <sql name="make" type="varchar"/>
    <field name="year" type="string">
      <sql name="year" type="varchar"/>

So to repeat the question, can the avove listed Car class map to both the
vehicle and car database tables

Thanks for your help,


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