
I have been testing the XML schema generation class of castor (
org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.util.XMLInstance2SchemaHandler ) and I think
I have found a minor bug when it guesses the type of an simple element
which actually has no value, ie. it looks like this <EmptyElement/>. Due
to this missing data the StateInfo.buffer will be null which will generate
a NullPointerException when it is converted to string (see line 211).

So I could make it work with this simple change against the cvs version:

diff -r1.2 XMLInstance2SchemaHandler.java
<         if (sInfo.element.getType() == null) {
>         if ((sInfo.element.getType() == null) && (sInfo.buffer != null))

With this change the generation will work obviously it would not provide
the 'type' attribute for the corresponding element, ie. it will generate
something like this <xsd:element name="EmptyElement"/>.

BTW we have been using castor xml for some time, and we have found it
extremly usefull. Now we started to use its xml.schema package and it
looks also promising as a viable replacement of xerces abstract schema



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