I have been looking at castor for a while now and have come across the following error(s);
I have a couple of tables that implement a one to many relationship and I am trying to query for it directly using CALL SQL
my mapping is as follows:


<class name="myObject" identity="id">


<map-to table="dev.object" />

<field name="a" type="string" >

<sql name="a" type="varchar"/>


<field name="b" type="string" >

<sql name="b" type="varchar"/>


<field name="c" type="cObject" collection="collection" lazy="true" required="false">

<sql many-key="mid"/>



<class name="cObject" identity="id">


<map-to table="dev.cobject" />

<field name="id" type="integer" >

<sql name="id" type="integer"/>


<field name="a" type="string">

<sql name="a" type="varchar"/>



I am then using the following OQL to query for the objects 

CALL SQL SELECT id, a, b FROM dev.object AS myObject

I expected this to return me the objects but without the cObjects (as I havn't done the INNER JOIN)...??? Is this correct...?

However, first of all I get a NullPointerException in createCall in SQLEngine because I havn't provided a sql name attribute for the many object in my myObject class....I have done a quick fix for this but it leads to another problem.....In SQLTypes it appears to still try and populate the many fields in getObject() so fails with a SQLException: Invalid column index....
Is it intended that castor JDO should support this type of query....?
Any help would be gratefully received....
Brett Cherrington

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