The mapping I'm having problems with is below:

<field name="name" type="string" required="true" get-method="getName"
set-method="setName" direct="false" lazy="false" transient="false"
  <sql name="NAME" type="varchar" read-only="false" dirty="check" /> 
<field name="description" type="string" required="false"
get-method="getDescription" set-method="setDescription"
direct="false" lazy="false" transient="false" container="false">
  <sql name="DESCRIPTION" type="varchar" read-only="false" dirty="check" /> 

When attempting to insert a database record, the single quotes that delimit
a string in a SQL statement are not being added by Castor.  As a result, I
get a SQL exception.  As a test, I hand-coded the quotes around the strings
and the statement executed successfully.  I've also changed the sql type to
'char' and that didn't work.  Has anyone had any similar problems?  I've
search the mailing list for mention of this, but found nothing so it makes
me think its trivial.  

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