On Monday, November 11, 2002, at 09:35  AM, Enrique Rodríguez wrote:
Thank you very much, Arnaul and Rhett. I don't take care that i don't need mapping.xml if i'm using castor source generator.

BTW, as Rhett said, my schema should add IDs to the generated xml. I think i need this IDs when i recover the objects form database, using Castor JDO, isn't it???
You will need IDs when you start using JDO. My recommendation would be to get XML marshaling and unmarshaling working before fiddling with JDO -- JDO has another set of idiosyncrasies and it would probably be good to start from a known-good position.

And just to be clear: you don't need a mapping.xml file to do marshaling if you use SourceGenerator. However, you do need a mapping file for JDO, whether or not you use SourceGenerator.


| Rhett Sutphin
| Research Assistant (Software)
| Coordinated Laboratory for Computational Genomics
| and the Center for Macular Degeneration
| University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA 52242 - USA
| 4111 MEBRF - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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