I using Castor XML (castor- to unmarshal an XML instance that
contains an xs:any / AnyNode. 

The anynode is coming out empty (array size 0) if I run the unmarshal as
part of a Session Bean running on Weblogic 6.1. If I switch dedug on
(org.exolab.castor.debug=true) I see lots of :-

unable to find FieldDescriptor for 'REQUEST' in ClassDescriptor of
Ignoring NRSOURCE no descriptor was found
Ignoring UR_UNIT_CODE no descriptor was found
Ignoring UR_USER_ID no descriptor was found
Ignoring USAGEFLAG no descriptor was found
Ignoring HEADER no descriptor was found
Ignoring AN_CLIENT_NO no descriptor was found
Ignoring AT_TITLE_SEQ no descriptor was found
Ignoring AT_TITLE no descriptor was found
Ignoring AT_SURNAME no descriptor was found

<REQUEST> is the first element in the xs:any portion.
But what is most confusing is if I use EXACTLY the same java classes but
execute the class from a Main Application (outside of Weblogic) I find the
XML file unmarshalls perfectly. However I get the following debug :-

unable to find or create a ClassDescriptor for class: REQUEST unable to find
or create a ClassDescriptor for class:

but everything seems fine inside the AnyNode.

I initially thought the problem was with the classpath Weblogic is using but
I have tried to make the order of jars inside the classpath the same.

What does the :-

unable to find FieldDescriptor for 'REQUEST' in ClassDescriptor of
Ignoring NRSOURCE no descriptor was found

mean, this looks like it is ignoring the Elements at the xs:any node, which


many thanks in advance

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